Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Russia will soon have new hypersonic, Mach 9 weapon


In the near future, Russia will get a hypersonic weapon with a maximum speed of Mach 9, said President Vladimir Putin, speaking at the Russia Calling! Forum.

“We have now tested it successfully, and from the beginning of the year we will have a new sea-based hypersonic missile in service. Mach 9. The flight time for those who give orders will also be five minutes,” the president said in a statement to Interfax.

Earlier in November, Putin announced at a defense meeting in Sochi that the Russian Armed Forces would begin receiving Zircon hypersonic missiles in 2022. 

Hypersonic weapons a response to NATO

Russia started developing hypersonic weapons in response to NATO actions that jeopardised the security of the Russian Federation, President Vladimir Putin said during Russia Calling! Investment forum.

"Things have come to the point when anti-missile defense systems were deployed in Poland and Romania. The launchers that have been deployed there, Mk-41, can also be armed with Tomahawks strike systems. This creates threats for us. Well, this is such an obvious fact. What happened in response to all our persuasions and requests not to do this? What we can see now. In response, we were forced, I want to stress this out, we were forced to start developing hypersonic weapons. This is our response," said Putin.

Tu-160M modernised aircraft to give Russia advantage over NATO


 "Pravda.ru" - The Russian army is to test a new version of the Tupolev Tu-160M ​​White Swan strategic missile carrier with the upgraded wing geometry.

Many experts around the world evinced interest in Tupolev's new project that implemented breakthrough solutions in the modernization of the Tu-160M aircraft.

According to military expert Alexei Leonkov, the Tu-160M, in particular, will stop "hotheads from developing something small and thermonuclear, giving us certain advantages."

USA's F/A-18 carrier-based fighter aircraft will no longer be able to keep up with the Russian Tu-160M.

NATO's provocations in the Black Sea force Russia to respond to the aggression at the borders of the state. Previously, American aircraft carriers could cause inconvenience to the Russian Air Force in the air, but now their F/A-18 carrier-based fighters will not keep up with the Russian Tu-160M.

"One of the components of this triad — intercontinental ballistic missiles — has not been modernized for a long time. It was established that it is better not to even try to launch them at all, because they, most likely, will not reach the target, but explode somewhere. We have a balance in this regard," Leonkov said.

US policy undermines dollar’s position as reserve currency

  /TASS/. The dollar has not lost its value as a reserve currency but the policy of US authorities undermines its global positions, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at the plenary session of the 13th VTB Capital Investment Forum "Russia Calling!"

"I did not say the dollar lost its value as the reserve currency, as the universal global currency for settlements. No, I merely said that the policy of US authorities undermines the dollar and pushes us out of the dollar zone," the President said.

Russia does not abandon the dollar, Putin said. "We do not want to go elsewhere. Our majors make oil and gas settlements in dollars but we, say, are not allowed making payments to our partners in the defense industry supplies, in the defense sector sphere, in dollars. So what we have to do? We simply have to withdraw. Sanctions are introduced against certain goods unrelated to the defense industry sector. Again, payments in dollars were made difficult. The US authorities are creating the problem on their own," the head of state said.

As a result, payments in dollars declined not merely in respect of Russia but also worldwide, he added

Theater officials in Skopje were evacuated due to a bomb alert


Law enforcement agencies inMacedonia have evacuated employees of the Macedonian National Theater in Skopje following a bomb alert. This was announced on Tuesday by the Macedonian TV channel "Channel 5".

According to still unconfirmed information, an explosive device was planted in a car parked near the theater building.

The territory has been cordoned off by the police, the entrances of the building and its exits are blocked.

The fastest production car in the world


There are sports cars, there are also super sports cars. There is also a Bugatti Chiron Super Sport 300+. Since August 2019, the car from Mülheim in Alsace holds the record for the fastest production car in the world. The finale of its speed capabilities - top speed just over 490 km / h.

Such a top speed of over 400 km / h requires not only powerful propulsion, but also the lowest possible drag. With the Bugatti Chiron Super Sport, the company's engineers and designers spend months refining and adjusting the best air balance, the lowest air resistance and the greatest possible compressive force. In addition, profound technical changes to the body, engine and chassis are required so that you can drive safely and reliably at such extreme speeds.

  "Only if the flow to the body is perfect at the front will the disturbing turbulence remain low and the air will flow cleanly around the body," says Frank Hale, Bugatti's deputy director of design. air curtains in front - two wing-shaped profiles - which direct the air optimally around the corner. At the same time, the air curtains ensure that the air flows tightly over the body for as long as possible, thus stabilizing the car. ”

  "In top speed mode, the Chiron Super Sport generates minimal drag, so it's perfectly balanced and aerodynamically efficient as technically possible," continues Frank Hale. 400 km / h Super Sport generates enough compression force to be neutral above 400 km / h. This is essential for speed so that the tires are not overloaded. At these speeds, the lift is huge, so the Chiron Super Sport must generate significant compressive force to neutralize these forces.

  Tires also play an important role in this speed range. Michelin's newly developed Pilot Sport Cup 2 tires, optimized for maximum speed, offer more rigidity and smoothness at speeds above 420 km / h than those of the "ordinary" Chiron. In addition, they are the only tires that have been tested at speeds above 500 km / h.

This is made possible by new technology with reinforced belt layers that handle enormous forces - they have been tested on a stand that was originally designed for jet aircraft.

Entertainment with hundreds of kilometers on the speedometer comes at a price - a new Bugatti costs several million euros - gross. Value added tax alone adds hundreds of thousands more.

It is snowing in many parts of Macedonia

 This morning at about 10 o'clock (11 o'clock Bulgarian time) in Bitola it started to snow heavily and in only half an hour the streets turned white and the traffic became difficult. Snow is also being cleaned in Prilep, writes the Macedonian electronic edition "MKD".
As reported by TV Terra, the movement of vehicles on the main streets in Bitola is difficult, buses slow down, and cars have difficulty moving to the higher and steeper areas of the city.

It has been snowing in Prilep since the morning, and Mayor Borche Yovcheski held an emergency meeting with the company responsible for cleaning the city's streets.

Most mountain passes are covered with snow, but no roads have been reported so far.

Serbia has limited the prices of basic foodstuffs

 At its meeting, the Serbian government decided to limit the prices of basic foodstuffs, according to the Macedonian electronic publication MKD.

These are granulated sugar, T-400 flour, sunflower oil, pork and milk with 2.8 percent fat content, and it was decided that food products should not exceed the price levels as of November 15, 2021.

According to the official statement, the price limit was set in order to eliminate the harmful effects and prevent market distortions and will not apply to reduced prices (sales, seasonal discounts or shares) if they were valid on November 15, but at regular prices, t. .е. before their reduction.

  "The decision, which will apply for a period of 60 days, provides for producers not to deliver these products in quantities lower than the average for the last 12 months, and for violation of the above provisions are provided for fines and a ban on carrying out the activity. from six months to one year ", it is stated.

Also, given the drastic increase in electricity prices in recent months, the Serbian government has decided on the price of electricity for back-up supply to end customers who are not entitled to a guaranteed supply after 1 December 2021.

  "The determined price of electricity will be applied until the situation on the respective stock exchange stabilizes," they added.

"With the adoption of this decision, the prices of these products in the next two months should not exceed the level of November 15 this year. "If necessary, the government will continue this measure after these 60 days," said Serbian Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Minister Tatjana Matic.

She added that the measure is necessary to protect the living standards of citizens.

Zaev must remain prime minister until March

 DUI leader Ali Ahmeti is not allowing Zoran Zaev to resign as prime minister, at least not until March next year, a DUI senior official told the Skopje-based Sloboden Pechat newspaper.

"Zaev must be prime minister because there are important things to solve. Without Zaev and Ahmeti solving together and without putting the important things on track, Zaev will not abdicate the responsibility to solve the problems. The hopes are that we will get a date for the start of negotiations with the EU on December 14 and that the first intergovernmental conference will be held by March next year, with which Macedonia and Albania will start negotiations for accession to the European Union. We will talk, we will do analyzes, but I still think that Zaev will be prime minister until March - says the DUI employee.

Vatican does not agree with European Commission recommendations to abandon word "Christmas"


Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin disagrees with the European Commission's (EC) recommendations to abandon the reference to gender and the mention of the word "Christmas". His words were quoted by the Vatican News portal on Tuesday.

"I think the effort to get rid of discrimination is right," he said. "However, in my opinion, this (the EC recommendations) is, of course, not a way to achieve this goal. He added that "those who oppose reality are in serious danger."                                                                                                   According to Parolin, "Europe owes its existence and its identity to many contributions." "We, of course, cannot forget that one of the main contributions, if not the most important, is Christianity itself. Therefore, the elimination of differences and the removal of roots means the destruction of the individual," he stressed.                                                             Earlier, the newspaper La Repubblica reported that the European Commission has issued a number of recommendations for internal use. As the publication notes, the purpose of the 32-page document is to limit direct references to "gender, ethnicity, race, religion." In particular, officials from the European institutions have been asked to call the Christmas holidays a "holiday period" because "people have different religious traditions and calendars". In addition, the text of the document recommended that the greeting "ladies and gentlemen" be abandoned and replaced by "dear colleagues".              

  "It was a recommendation aimed at showing the diversity of European culture. It is not mandatory. Eventually, the document was withdrawn and will be revised and finalized," European Commission spokesman Eric Mamer said on Tuesday.                         

Right-wing populist Eric Zemour is officially running for president of France

 Eric Zemour, the radical nationalist commentator, officially entered the French presidential race on Tuesday with a promise to "save" France, writes The Times.

The 63-year-old, who has two convictions for inciting racial hatred, has officially announced his candidacy, although he unofficially launched the campaign in the summer, invading the political arena and rising in opinion polls where he rivals or even surpasses Marine Le Pen. the long-time flag bearer of the right in France.                                                            "It is no longer time to reform France, but to save it. That's why I decided to run for president," Zemour said in a video posted on social media. Addressing his main topic, he added that many voters "no longer recognize" their country - a hint of the change it has undergone in immigration from Muslim and African countries.                                                                        Zemur seeks to revive the momentum of his earlier rebel campaign, based on a tour of his latest best-selling book, France Has Not Said His Last Word, a diagnosis of France's alleged collapse under immigration, crime and the left. ideas, after which a series of incidents damaged his position in the polls. Last week, it became clear that Sarah Knafo, his 28-year-old campaign manager, was said to be pregnant with his child, and on Sunday he responded with the same after his wife showed his middle finger in Marseille.                   His video included footage of violence on the streets of France, as well as images of old news. The French should no longer "feel like foreigners in their own country," he said. Zemur attacks the "politically correct", the "elites", the "Islamic left" and the supporters of "woke politics".

Zemur's unofficial entry into the race transformed the campaign, overturning the long-held assumption that Le Pen would reach the run-off in the second round to repeat his 2017 duel with President Macron.                                                     Le Pen portrays Zemur as an amateur with more extreme ideas than hers. She told Sud Radio today that he had brought nothing new to the nationalist camp and that "part of his manifesto was the complete opposite of mine: women, the economy, immigration." She added: "He is a polemicist. This is not a presidential candidate. He divides and divides people.

Gabriel Atal, a government spokesman, called Zemmour "Donald Trump at a reduced price.".                                                Zemur's main influence so far has been to attract the main Conservative party's Republicans to the right, in order to stop his supporters from supporting him. The party will choose its candidate for the April elections over the weekend, led by Michel Barnier, former EU Brexit negotiator Xavier Bertrand, chairman of the Nordic regional council, Valerie Pecres, head of the Paris regional council, and Eric Chiotti. MP from the Cote d'Azur.                                                      Macron remains the favorite to win re-election, but Zemur's presence has revealed the likely contender. Surveys show that Le Pen and Zemur scored about 15 percent each in the first round, just ahead of Bertrand, the Republican's best candidate. Macron has a solid 25 percent of the vote in the first round.

We are the new normal


"We are the new normal." This was stated by the first transgender minister in Sweden Lina Axelson Kilblom in 2018. She takes office a year after Belgium appointed the first deputy prime minister for transgender issues in Europe, Swedish television SVT reports.

Kilblom, 51, a former school principal and lawyer, has been appointed a minister in Prime Minister Magdalena Anderson's new Social Democratic government, who today officially became the first woman to head Sweden's government.

In the book Will You Love Me Now? Kilblom told how a girl grew up in the body of a boy and at the age of 25 she decided to change her gender.                                       Transgender people, she says, "have always existed, exist today, and we are no longer ashamed."

"We are the new normal," she told public television SVT in 2018.

Kilblom is also divorced and the mother of two adopted children. She will be in charge of primary and secondary schools, and Education Minister Anna Ekström will be in charge of higher education.

Lukashenko is ready to accept Russian nuclear weapons in Belarus

 Belarus will offer Russia to deploy nuclear weapons on its territory if a NATO nuclear weapon appears in Poland, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko was quoted as saying by Vzglyad.

Asked what systems were in question, the head of state explained that Minsk and Moscow would agree on the types of weapons.                                                                                            "The nuclear weapons that will be most effective in such contact. We are ready for this on the territory of Belarus. As a zealous, sorry owner, I have not destroyed anything. "All the 'sheds' are in place," the politician stressed.

Republican sanctions against NS-2 threaten transatlantic unity

 The White House is unhappy with the actions of Republicans in the US Senate, who are blocking the passage of the draft defense budget for refusing to include their proposed amendments with additional restrictions against the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. As Politico reported on Tuesday, the US administration is convinced that Republican-encouraged sanctions against Russia only threaten transatlantic unity.                                                            "We see that some members of Congress are pushing for sanctions that are not really holding back Russia, but threatening transatlantic unity. national security on various unrelated issues, "a White House spokesman said. "This is inappropriate," he said.                                                        On Monday, during a procedural vote, Republicans blocked further adoption of the country's draft defense budget for the next fiscal year (beginning October 1) in the US Senate. Prior to the vote, Senate Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (of Kentucky) said his party members would block a budget proposal of about $ 770 billion because of the Democrats' decision to block a number of proposals. This is a package of 18 amendments, including additional restrictions against the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline.

Future Chancellor Olaf Scholz has called for compulsory vaccination in Germany

 The future Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz advocated the introduction of compulsory vaccination against coronavirus for all categories of the population. He said this on Tuesday during a meeting of the German authorities with the prime ministers of the federal provinces, quoted by Bild newspaper.                                                                                             Scholz explained that as a member of the Bundestag (German parliament), he would agree to such a proposal. At the same time, according to the newspaper, other leaders of the federal states, in which the prime ministers are members of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (GSDP), must support the introduction of compulsory vaccination against coronavirus. However, the managing mayor of Berlin, Michael Mueller, according to Bild, has expressed concern about the adoption of such a measure.

Inflation in the Eurozone has reached a 25-year high

 Inflation in the eurozone has risen to its highest level since the introduction of the single currency, more than doubling the European Central Bank's 2 per cent target, EU statistics agency Eurostat was quoted as saying by Politico.

Annual inflation in the euro area is expected to reach 4.9% in November, compared with 4.1% in October, according to a quick estimate by Eurostat. This is well above what most analysts expected.

The main driver of the jump is energy prices, which rose by 27 percent.                                                                                              The ECB argues that the high inflationary pressures are largely due to temporary factors and should start declining as early as next month before falling below the central bank's target again in the coming years.

ECB President Christine Lagarde argues that the long delay in the entry into force of monetary policy means that tightening monetary policy would now do more harm than good.                                                                                                        "We will cause unemployment and high adjustment costs, and yet we would not oppose the current high level of inflation," she said in a recent interview with the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. "I would find that wrong."

What many economists are increasingly concerned about is core inflation, which rules out variables such as food and energy prices. It jumped to 2.6 percent from 2 percent, suggesting that inflation may actually fall more slowly.

NATO guarantees the collective security of Alliance members only

 NATO guarantees collective security only to members of the Alliance, but not to Partner countries, including Ukraine, to which the Alliance provides only assistance. This was stated by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at a press conference in the Latvian capital on Tuesday upon arrival at the meeting of NATO foreign ministers, quoted by TACC.         "We need to understand the difference between a NATO country, such as Latvia, Poland, Romania, and our close and very valuable partner, Ukraine, to which we provide only support, assistance in training troops, equipment. But for NATO members, we have security guarantees under Article 5 (of the Washington Treaty, which deals with the alliance's collective defense - TASS note), Stoltenberg said.

Greece will make vaccination mandatory for people over 60


Greece said on Tuesday that it would make coronavirus vaccination mandatory for people aged 60. The country will take this drastic step amid a surge in coronavirus cases, Reuters reports.

Authorities said they would impose a 100-euro fine on anyone over the age of 60 who is not vaccinated. The measure will be applied once a month from 16 January onwards.

About 63% of the population in the country, which is home to about 11 million people, is fully vaccinated. Vaccination hours have increased in recent weeks.                                               

   We are focusing our efforts on protecting our senior citizens, and for this reason their vaccination will be mandatory from now on, "said Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis at a cabinet meeting.

"Greeks over the age of 60 who have not been vaccinated must make an appointment for their first dose by January 16th, otherwise they will face an administrative fine of 100 euros each month."

Greece registered a jump in infections this month, with daily cases reaching record levels.                      

Lavrov and Blinken may discuss a meeting between Putin and Biden

 The Kremlin believes that in the event of a meeting between Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, which may take place in Stockholm, the topic of preparation for talks between the leaders of the Russian Federation and the United States Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden will be touched upon. , the press secretary of the Russian president Dmitry Peskov told reporters, quoted by RIA Novosti.

"No, as before, we still have no news, so we are waiting," Peskov told reporters when asked about new information about possible talks between Putin and Biden.                            "Of course, the two ministers cannot fail to address the issue of preparing for the presidents' communication, so, of course, this will certainly be discussed," Peskov said, answering the question whether the Kremlin expects Lavrov to meet with Blinken and whether this will increase the chances of talks between the presidents of the two countries.

Heiko Maas warned Russia of the consequences in case of aggressive actions against Ukraine


Acting German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas has warned Russia of the consequences of aggressive actions against Ukraine, TACC reports.

"Russia will have to pay a high price for any form of aggression," he told reporters on Tuesday before flying to Riga for a meeting of NATO foreign ministers. "NATO's support for Ukraine is inviolable, its independence, territorial integrity and sovereignty are non-negotiable."                                              Maas reiterated that "Russia's military activity on the border with Ukraine is a cause for concern." He announced an increase in the number of ceasefire violations in Donbas and an obstacle to the work of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission in the region. According to him, it is necessary to take steps to de-escalate the situation, which is possible only through dialogue.

"I will not tire of emphasizing that the door to such negotiations with Russia is still open," Maas said.

The United States is strengthening the infrastructure of facilities in Guam and Australia to oppose China

 The US Department of Defense intends to strengthen the infrastructure of its air base in Guam and facilities in Australia in order to more effectively confront China, reports The Wall Street Journal.                                                     According to the publication, the US military does not plan a radical relocation of its troops.

On Monday, the Pentagon announced that Washington, after reviewing the US military around the world, intends, among other things, to strengthen military cooperation with Australia. I.d. US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Political Affairs Mara Carlin noted in particular that new deployments of fighters and bombers, ground training and the expansion of logistical cooperation would be carried out in Australia.                                                                                            In September, Australian Secretary of Defense Peter Dutton told a news conference at the State Department that the United States had agreed with Australia to expand the US military presence in the country, including the deployment of rotating military aircraft. He added that a joint logistics infrastructure and support complex would be set up to support the two countries' expanded military activities, including for the navy.

Latvia has demanded a permanent US military presence against Russia's aggression


Latvia needs a permanent US military presence to deter Russia and wants to boost its defense with US Patriot missiles, Latvian Defense Minister Artis Pabriks said on Monday when NATO Secretary General visited Allied forces in the Baltic country, EU Observer reports. .

"We need additional international assistance," Pabriks said. "We would like to have a permanent [military] United States presence in our country."

Barbados became a republic


Barbados removed Britain's Queen Elizabeth as head of state, creating a new republic on Tuesday with its first president and severing its last remaining colonial ties nearly 400 years after the first British ships arrived in the Caribbean, Reuters reported.

At midnight, the new republic was born to the shouts of hundreds of people along the Chamberlain Bridge in the capital, Bridgetown. A salute of 21 cannons, fired as the national anthem of Barbados, was played over a crowded Heroes' Square.                                                                                    Prince Charles, heir to the British throne, stood gloomily when Queen Elizabeth's royal standard was lowered and that of Barbados was raised, a move that Republicans hope will prompt discussion of similar proposals in other former British colonies that have the Queen as their sovereign. .

"We humans must give the Republic of Barbados its spirit and essence," said President Sandra Mason, the island's first president. "We have to shape his future. We are each other and guardians of our nation. We humans are Barbados. ”           The creation of this republic offers a new beginning, "said Prince Charles, whose mother made her warmest wishes. "From the darkest days of our past and the horrific atrocities of slavery that forever tarnish our history, the people of this island have forged their way with extraordinary force."

The American missile destroyer Arlie Burke has entered the Black Sea

 The US Navy's missile destroyer Arlie Burke (DDG-51) left the port of Varna on Sunday to continue its operations in the Black Sea with NATO partners. This was announced in a statement by the Sixth Fleet of the US Navy, published on Monday, TASS reports.

"The American missile destroyer Arlie Burke left the port of Varna in Bulgaria on November 28, 2021 to resume operations in the Black Sea. The [destroyer's] visit to the port reaffirmed the commitment of the US Navy to NATO and extremely important allies such as Bulgaria, "the text reads.       Earlier, the Sixth Fleet announced that the destroyer Arly Burke had entered the Black Sea on November 25 "as part of a regular patrol." According to the US Navy, "NATO allies and partners regularly operate in the region" to ensure security and stability, as well as "build partners' capabilities to improve efficiency and interoperability".

Monday, November 29, 2021

The pro-Nazi US official who helped shape post-war Germany


Newly declassified FBI files have shed significant light on the Nazi sympathies of John McCloy, the US assistant secretary of war during World War II, revealing a depth to the relationship that was not previously known.

McCloy is an enormously significant figure in 20th century US history – as well as his war role, he went on to serve as World Bank president, US high commissioner for Germany, Council on Foreign Relations chair, and adviser to all presidents from Franklin D. Roosevelt to Ronald Reagan.

That McCloy performed extensive legal work for several corporations in Nazi Germany before the War – among them chemical giant IG Farben, notorious for manufacturing Zyklon B, the cyanide-based pesticide used in extermination camps during the Holocaust – and got extremely rich in the process is relatively well known, but typically relegated to a footnote in official biographies of the man.

However, the newly released documents show in stark detail that his ties to the Nazi apparatus were far deeper and more cohering than a mere commercial relationship. Of particular note is an official memorandum from January 1953, prepared by FBI Special Agent D.M. Ladd for Edward Allen Tam, Bureau deputy director, at his express request, which offers “a summary of information from our files concerning John McCloy.”.                                                                   It records how in September 1939, mere weeks after Germany had invaded Poland and triggered World War II, McCloy approached the FBI’s New York office, informing them that a German national residing in New Jersey, who had done “considerable” work for him in recent litigations related to alleged sabotage of munitions factories in the US, was planning to move to another state due to local antipathy towards him.

McCloy said that he was advertising this intention as he didn’t want authorities to suspect his associate “was trying to avoid the detection of the FBI.” Ironically, the memorandum notes that the individual in question was in fact a “known German espionage agent,” at the time subject to a dedicated counterintelligence investigation by the Bureau.

Even more significantly, the file goes on to detail how in mid-October 1940, a month after McCloy was appointed assistant secretary of war, and at a time the Luftwaffe was waging blitzkrieg on London on a nightly basis, McCloy informed FBI headquarters that he was “personally acquainted with many of the officials in the Nazi government, including [Hermann] Goering, with whom he has a rather close personal friendship.”

He went on to reveal that, “only a short while ago,” someone he knew had called from Goering’s Berlin office, stating that an individual would soon be in touch, “and any statements this person would make to McCloy would be made on behalf of Goering and the present German government.”  

This nameless person did indeed subsequently make contact, telling McCloy they’d “been instructed to secure the services of someone in the US to ‘front’ for a peace movement that could not appear to have been German inspired.”

He purportedly declined to assist, and it’s unknown whether the proposed astroturf effort ever took shape, or was probed further by the FBI. Still, that high-ranking Nazis were willing to inform him of planned clandestine activities on US soil, despite his government role, emphasizes the “rather close” bond to which he referred. Moreover, while he was apparently unwilling to help the Nazis on that occasion, he would more than make up for that disloyalty as US high commissioner for Germany.                                                               McCloy once said of his tenure, which lasted from September 1949 to August 1952, “I had the powers of a dictator… but I think I was a benevolent dictator.” He granted clemency to dozens of Nazi war criminals, freeing or reducing the sentences of most SS extermination squad leaders, despite acknowledging their crimes were “historic in their magnitude and horror,” and carried out just five of the 15 death sentences handed down at the Nuremberg trials.

In a chilling twist, McCloy operated from the head offices of his former client IG Farben – 23 of its directors, among them SS members, were tried for war crimes, with 13 convicted. By 1951, all had been released. German industrialist Alfried Krupp, sentenced to 12 years for crimes against humanity due to the genocidal manner in which he employed slave labor at his factories, was likewise pardoned.

By contrast, Gestapo counterintelligence chief Klaus Barbie wasn’t prosecuted by US occupation forces – in fact, he was recruited as a spy, and reported on French intelligence activities in France’s German occupation zone, despite Paris that same year having sentenced him to death in absentia for innumerable crimes against humanity he committed while stationed in the country under the Vichy regime. 

Known as the ‘Butcher of Lyon’, he employed bullwhips, drugs, electric shocks to nipples and testicles, and needles pushed under fingernails, in interrogations. Those few who survived were sent to extermination camps.

When the French learned Barbie was working for the US, they appealed directly to McCloy for him to be handed over. He refused, claiming that “allegations of the citizens of Lyon can be disregarded as being hearsay only.” The high commissioner knew this to be untrue, though. Barbie’s name was reportedly listed in McCloy’s own office as part of CROWCASS, the Central Registry of War Criminals and Security Suspects, which noted he was wanted for “the murder of civilians and torture and murder of military personnel.”

Barbie relocated to Bolivia in 1951 with US help, via a Central Intelligence Agency ‘ratline’. One of many Nazis who fled to Latin America to elude justice, he went on to be involved in a string of CIA coups across the region, train CIA agents and military interrogators in torture, and even played a role in the tracking and capture of Cuban revolutionary Che Guevara.                                                              In 1965, he was also recruited by the Bundesnachrichtendienst, West Germany’s foreign intelligence service, under the codename ‘Adler’ (Eagle). Coincidentally, the agency’s origins can be traced back to McCloy. In 1950, he appointed Reinhard Gehlen – head of Nazi military intelligence for the Eastern Front, responsible for managing anti-Soviet collaborationist guerrilla units, and running a brutal interrogation program for Soviet prisoners of war – as an adviser to the West German government on intelligence matters.

At that point, Gehlen had operated a spy network comprised of former Wehrmacht and SS officers focused on the Soviet Union for five years on behalf of the US military, which in 1947 became closely affiliated with the CIA. In 1956, the Gehlen Organization was formally transferred to the West German government, and in turn rebranded the Bundesnachrichtendienst, with Gehlen serving as its first president until retirement in 1968. 

Gehlen was insulated from prosecution, and indeed recruited to run the organization, by Allen Dulles, who would later become the CIA’s first chief. Dismissed from the post by President John F. Kennedy over the 1961 Bay of Pigs fiasco, he was later appointed to the Warren Commission, which investigated Kennedy’s assassination. So too was his long-time friend McCloy, who claimed to have entered the probe “thinking there was a conspiracy,” but left it convinced Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.

This was specifically due to Dulles’ influence – the fallen spy chief also attempted to sway other members of the commission, distributing copies of a book that argued that presidential assassins were always misfits and loners to members at an early meeting, stating, “you’ll find a pattern running through here that I think we’ll find in this present case.”

However, three commissioners – Richard Russell, Thomas Hale Boggs, and John Sherman Cooper – remained unconvinced that Oswald was a lone gunman. In the end, McCloy inserted a get-out clause conclusion to the report to ensure the trio’s endorsement of its findings, stating that any possible evidence of a conspiracy was “beyond the reach” of US law enforcement, the CIA and FBI – and the commission itself.

Russia will have sixth-generation fighter aircraft by 2030

 Russia has recently kicked off the supplies of the new fighter aircraft of the fifth generation. In particular, the Russian Aerospace Forces will have five Su-57 fighters by the end of this year. At the same time, however, the Russian Army will have sixth-generation fighters at its disposal by 2030, Avia.pro reports. 
Russian military specialists currently complete the development of the new combat aircraft. To be more precise, specialists make preparations to start testing the new aircraft. 

First off, it goes about the unmanned version of the Su-75 light fighter. The Su-75 fighter has not been officially categorised yet, but it can already be referred to as a 5+ generation combat aircraft. Taking into account the fact that the fighter will be manufactured as a completely unmanned aerial vehicle too (it will not require any operator at all), one may assign the aircraft to the category of sixth generation fighter jets.

The Su-75 fighter is to enter service at Russian Aerospace Forces before 2025-2026. The terms for the unmanned version of the aircraft to enter service may vary as this is the first time Russian engineers design such an aircraft. Therefore, they may need additional time for tests and redevelopment. 

Russia is the only country in the world that has openly announced the development of the prototype of the sixth generation fighter.


Nationalism in the region is growing


The process of the Western Balkans' accession to the European Union is too slow and therefore reinforces political nationalism and statements about border changes that threaten peace and security in the region, Slovenian President Borut Pahor said after a visit to Serbia, quoted by Skopje-based MKD. .
"In recent years, I have warned and am doing today that the process of integrating the region is too slow, which is resuming policies of nationalism and changing borders that are dangerous to peace and security," Pahor told a joint news conference in Belgrade with his Serbian counterpart. Alexander Vucic.                                                                                    He emphasized that the enlargement of the Union was the only answer to the rise of nationalism and the idea of ​​changing borders.

Asked whether the EU would condemn statements by Albanian authorities about the reunification of Albania and Kosovo, Pahor said he had "no authority or mandate" to answer on behalf of the EU, but his position was that such statements deepened concerns.                                                           The President of Slovenia, which holds the EU presidency until the end of the year, believes that the Union and the candidate countries must "do more than in previous years" around the candidacies, reforms and the European integration process with accelerated and fair negotiations to speed up their path. of accession.

"If the EU says we will open the clusters - thank you. If he doesn't want us to open the clusters - thanks again. "We are implementing reforms for our citizens," Vucic said.

The Serbian president noted that any talks "could be a step" towards peace in the region.

Why Germany’s new leader is a major threat to the EU


Incoming German chancellor Olaf Scholz has been clear about his intention to pursue a federal European state. But far from bringing the European Union’s member countries closer together, his plan could rupture it completely.

Scholz will become the new chancellor of Germany within the next 10 days, heading a ‘traffic light’ coalition made up of his own party, the SPD, the Greens, and the Free Democrats. 

The top jobs will be divided between the leaders of the respective parties, with the three most powerful positions going to Scholz, the leader of the SPD; the FDP’s Christian Lindner, who will be finance minister; and the Green co-leader Annalena Baerbock, who will become foreign minister.

The basis of the agreement was fleshed out in a 178-page document, which ran to 52,000 words. In it, the coalition members dealt with a range of issues including the economy, migration, cannabis, and climate change. However, one of the most interesting aspects is the unashamed ambition for the new government to work towards the “development of a federal European state.” 

Indeed, Udo Bullmann, who was the SPD’s lead negotiator on European affairs said that “time is calling for it” and the “people are waiting for it.” Hmmm. We will see about that.       The federalist ambitions of the new German government will cause concern in a number of countries, including Poland, whose government has made clear that it is opposed to an EU superstate. I predicted back in June that the federalist ambitions of the EU will eventually cause a rupture with the Poles, and this document only serves to bring that inevitable clash a step closer. 

Moreover, a spokesman for the Hungarian prime minister’s office said the German coalition document “is not a European but a distinctly Western European programme,” which is “extremely far from what in the central part of Europe we think about the world and societies.”

He added that the new German government “clearly wants a united states of Europe, but at least they are doing it openly, rather than through a stealthy stretching of the powers of European institutions and weakening the powers of member states.”

This is a really interesting comment, because the EU generally gets its own way when it acts surreptitiously. When its plans for integration are brought out into the open, they generally get rejected. Indeed, the last time the EU laid bare its ambitions for a federal Europe in the form of a European Constitution, the idea was roundly rejected by the French and the Dutch in referendums.

The German coalition document also wants to see moves towards a cohesive EU foreign policy. It aims to abolish the principle of unanimity, replacing instead with Qualified Majority Voting (QMV), which means that member states will no longer have vetoes on foreign policy. This could lead to countries being dragged into foreign engagements that they may not necessarily agree with. 

To achieve its federalist aims, the new German government will hand more powers to the European Parliament. It plans to do this by allowing the parliament to initiate legislation, which at the moment is solely the right of the European Commission. This lack of legislative power has led many to dismiss the European Parliament as little more than a “glorified talking shop.”                                                                      

Although the German government’s plan to hand more power to the elected MEPs may be a move towards more democratic accountability, it could also be counter-productive. 

The European Parliament is the most federalist of all the EU’s institutions, and it is also by far the most extreme. Indeed, the European Commission often acts as a brake on some of the parliament’s excesses, which is why inter-institutional conflict is rife. Take, for example, the recent case where the parliament is suing the commission for not punishing Poland and Hungary quickly enough for refusing to comply with EU diktats.                                                                  If MEPs had their way, climate targets would be even more extreme, the EU would already have a standing army and be involving itself in conflicts all over the globe, and there would be acceleration towards full integration. In addition, those countries that deviate from the aims of the project would face even harsher penalties. No wonder uber federalist MEPs like former Belgian PM Guy Verhofstadt are cheering the new German government to the rafters.

And what about the French? Scholz has already signalled that his first foreign visit as chancellor will be to Paris, yet I am not convinced that he will find his counterparts there eager to support his ambition for a “federal European state.” 

Polls show that the French public is becoming increasingly sceptical about Brussels, which is why the country’s presidential candidates are donning Eurosceptic clothes. Macron, for example, has vetoed EU enlargement, and even Michel Barnier, the EU’s former Brexit negotiator, is talking of returning powers from Brussels.

I genuinely believe that the federalist ship has sailed. These ideas were in vogue in the first decade of the century, but not so much now. One only has to look at how Eurosceptic parties have grown all over the continent over the past 20 years as proof that citizens are becoming weary of Brussels’ interference.

If the German government is true to its word and aggressively pursues the goal of creating an EU federal superstate, then it will lead to massive tensions between members. Indeed, in the longer term, it could result in some countries withdrawing from the bloc altogether and going their own way. 

Zelensky’s decision to let foreign troops into Ukraine violates Minsk accords

 /TASS/. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky is violating the Package of Measures for the implementation of the Minsk agreements, the so-called Minsk-2 package, by asking the Verkhovna Rada (Ukraine’s national parliament) to approve his decision to deploy foreign troops in the country, Rodion Miroshnik, who represents the self-proclaimed Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) in the political subgroup of the Contact Group on the settlement of the situation in eastern Ukraine, said on Monday. 

"It is worth noting that Minsk-2 stipulates the withdrawal, not the deployment of all foreign troops! It means that there can be no foreign troops and mercenaries on Ukraine’s territory. Either for drills or for parades," he wrote on his Telegram channel.

He recalled that article 10 of the Package of Measures provides for the "withdrawal of all foreign armed units, military hardware and mercenaries from Ukraine under the OSCE’s monitoring," and Zelensky reiterated his commitment to these agreements at the latest Normandy Four (Germany, France, Ukraine, Russia) summit in Parish on December 9, 2019.

Earlier on Monday, Zelensky submitted to the Verkhovna Rada a bill on approving his decision allowing foreign armed units to enter Ukraine to take part in international drills in 2022.

A peace settlement of the conflict in Donbass rests on the Package of Measures, known as Minsk-2, that was signed by the Trilateral Contact Group on Ukraine comprising senior representatives from Russia, Ukraine and the European security watchdog OSCE on February 12, 2015, after marathon 16-hour talks between the leaders of the Normandy Four nations, namely Russia, Germany, France and Ukraine. The 13-point document envisages a ceasefire between Ukrainian government forces and the people’s militias in the self-proclaimed republics in Donetsk and Lugansk and the subsequent withdrawal of heavy weapons from the line of contact. The deal also lays out a roadmap for a lasting settlement in Ukraine, including amnesty, prisoner swaps, the resumption of economic ties, local elections and constitutional reform to give more autonomy to the war-torn eastern regions.

The plan remains unimplemented to this day, largely due to Ukraine’s stance. Kiev keeps on refusing to act on the political items of the agreement. Kiev continues to avoid direct dialogue with the Donbass republics. It is reluctant to amend Ukraine’s constitution to fix Donbass’ special status and insists on being given control over the section of the border with Russia, something that is to be done only after the implementation of the political part of the agreements.

Russian Navy warship test-launches Tsirkon hypersonic missile to over 400 km range


 /TASS/. The frigate Admiral Gorshkov successfully test-launched a Tsirkon hypersonic missile from the White Sea hitting a sea target at a range of over 400 km, Russia’s Defense Ministry reported on Monday.

As reported by the Defense Ministry, the Northern Fleet’s frigate Admiral Gorshkov conducted another test-launch as part of the final stage of hypersonic missile armament trials.

"The test-fire was conducted from the White Sea against a target position located at a distance of over 400 km. The data recorders indicate that the hypersonic missile flight’s complied with the designated parameters. The test-launch from the frigate Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov has been successful and the target has been wiped out," the ministry stressed.

The Northern Fleet engaged its surface ships and naval aircraft to provide for the test-launch and close off the area, it said.

"The previous test-fire against a sea target position was successfully conducted by the frigate’s crew two weeks ago," the Russian Defense Ministry said.

A source earlier told TASS that the Research and Production Association of Machine-Building based in the town of Reutovo in the Moscow Region had commenced work on the serial production of Tsirkon hypersonic cruise missiles for the Russian Navy.

Previous test-launch

Russia’s Defense Ministry reported on November 18 that a Tsirkon hypersonic missile test-launched from the Northern Fleet’s frigate Admiral Gorshkov struck a naval target in the White Sea with a direct hit.

A source earlier told TASS that the state trials of the Tsirkon hypersonic missile would begin in November and continue in December. Overall, five test-launches against sea and coastal targets are planned. It was also reported that two Tsirkon hypersonic missile test-launches conducted from the nuclear-powered submarine Severodvinsk on October 4 for the first time paved the way for the missile’s state trials from a surface carrier.

On August 24, a contract was signed at the Army 2021 international arms show on the delivery of Tsirkon hypersonic missiles to the Russian Navy.

Saakashvili dismisses charges, rejects Georgian justice system in courtroom


TASS- Former Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili dismissed the charges brought against him, declaring in a courtroom on Thursday that he did not recognize the Georgian justice system.
"I don’t recognize the accusation from the prosecution and the Georgian justice. I am here not to be part of the already devised comedy," Saakashvili told the panel of judges.

After officers of the court escorted Saakashvili into the courtroom, those present turned on the Georgian national anthem. The judges demanded silence. "Are you banning the anthem? Are you banning the anthem of Georgia that I created?" Saakashvili asked the judges.

The lawyers were not allowed to show the live footage of the court session. Live footage was shown by First Channel of the Georgian Public Broadcaster, which has the exclusive right to broadcast court hearings. Due to the coronavirus restrictions, only Saakashvili, his lawyers and mother, Giuli Alasania, attended the court session.

On Thursday, the Tbilisi city court looked into the brutal dispersal of a rally on November 7, 2007, and a raid on the office of the Imedi TV company, in which Saakashvili is a defendant.

The ex-president left the courtroom after a speech lasting over an hour, and asked the lawyers to continue reviewing the case without him. The lawyers explained that medics had advised the former president to be present for about two hours.

Mikhail Saakashvili was detained in Georgia on October 1 after his return to the country shortly ahead of the first round of municipal elections. He was kept in prison in the city of Rustavi, where he went on a hunger strike as he claims to be a political prisoner. On November 20, he was taken to a military hospital in Gori from the prison hospital on the outskirts of Tbilisi, where he was transferred on November 8.

Saakashvili served as President of Georgia from January 2004 to November 2013. In 2013, he left the country a few days before the expiration of his presidential term. Following that, four criminal cases were opened against him with verdicts returned on two of them. In January 2018, the Tbilisi City Court sentenced Saakashvili in absentia to three years behind bars for the 2006 murder of Sandro Girgvliani, an employee of the Georgian United Bank. In June 2018, the court sentenced him to six years in prison for the 2005 assault of lawmaker Valery Gelashvili.

Saakashvili lived in Ukraine of late, he has Ukrainian citizenship.

The remains of those killed in the bus crash will be transported on Thursday


The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Northern Macedonia (RSM), Bujar Osmani, announced that the victims of the tragedy in Bulgaria will arrive at the RSM on Thursday (December 2nd). The transport will be organized by air from Bulgaria to the airport in Skopje and then will continue according to state protocols, the Skopje TV channel Alsat M quoted him as saying.                                                           "After today's communication with the Bulgarian prosecutor Mr. Sarafov, responsible for the tragedy of November 23 in Sofia, I want to inform that the transfer of the remains of our fellow citizens who lost their lives in this tragedy is scheduled for Thursday, December 2, 2021 The Bulgarian government responded positively to our request that the transport be carried out by plane of the Republic of Bulgaria to the airport in Skopje, from where, according to the state protocol, they will be handed over to the families in their homes. "For other details, I remain in direct contact with families and the public will be informed in a timely manner," Osmani said.

Talks on Iran's nuclear program have resumed


Diplomats from the EU, Iran and Russia sounded optimistic after Iran and world powers held their first talks in five months on Monday to try to salvage their 2015 nuclear deal, although Tehran has publicly taken a firm stance, which it says Western powers will not work, Reuters commented.

Diplomats say the time is running out for a revival of the treaty, which the former US administration of President Donald Trump abandoned in 2018, angering Iran and embarrassing other participating powers - Britain, China, France, Germany and Russia.                                                            At the talks, the delegates of the European Union, Iran and Russia gave an optimistic assessment, after the new round began with a meeting of the other parties to the deal, without the United States, with which Iran refuses to meet face to face.

"I feel extremely positive about what I saw today," said Enrique Mora, the EU's presiding officer after the meeting, the seventh round of talks aimed at reviving the agreement, under which Iran has curtailed its controversial uranium enrichment program. replacing the easing of US, EU and UN economic sanctions.                                                                            Mora told reporters that the new Iranian delegation had adhered to its demand that all sanctions be lifted. But he also added that Tehran has not categorically rejected the results of the previous six rounds of talks between April and June.

"They accepted that the work done in the first six rounds was a good basis for building our work forward," he said. "Of course, we will include the new political sensitivity of the new Iranian administration.".                                                    The Vienna meeting put an end to a long hiatus caused by the June election of Ebrahim Raisi, an anti-Western hardline Iranian judge as the country's president. The talks are, in fact, indirect talks between Tehran and Washington, with officials communicating between them.

Tehran's negotiating team has made demands that US and European diplomats find unrealistic, Western diplomats say.Iran has taken an uncompromising stance, demanding the lifting of all US and European Union sanctions imposed since 2017, including those unrelated to its nuclear program, in a process that can be verified.

The Islamic Republic's chief negotiator, Ali Bagheri Kani, also said the United States and its Western allies must offer assurances that no new sanctions will be imposed in the future.                                                                                                   "It is a great achievement that all parties to the meeting accepted Iran's request to first clear the situation with illegal and unjust US sanctions and then (we) to discuss other issues and decide on these issues," he told reporters.

There was no immediate comment from other parties on Bagheri Kani's words about the sequence of topics.

Austria imposes a serious fine for refusing vaccination

 A bill to introduce compulsory vaccination against Covid-19 in Austria provides for a fine for refusing vaccination of up to 7,200 euros, the Austrian newspaper Die Presse reported, citing a document developed by the Austrian government.

According to the draft law, compulsory vaccination against coronavirus will apply to all people living in Austria from February 2022. The penalty for refusing vaccination will be 3,600 euros or four months in prison. Those who ignore two notifications from the authorities about the need for vaccination will face a huge fine of 7,200 euros.                             Exceptions will include people who are at risk for life and health due to vaccination, pregnant women and children under 12 years of age. The bill is due to be submitted to parliament around 6 December, after which it must be approved by the two chambers of the Austrian parliament.

Due to the fourth wave of the pandemic, the Austrian government announced a plan to introduce a mandatory vaccine against Covid-19 from February 2022. This measure proved unpopular in Austrian society and provoked mass protests across the country involving tens of thousands of people in support of the right to vote. for vaccination.

Russia is unlikely to re-establish its NATO membership

 Russian Deputy Foreign Minister and former Permanent Representative of Russia to NATO Alexander Grushko ruled out the possibility of restoring his country's representation in NATO in Brussels. Russia announced the termination of its NATO mission in mid-October in response to the Alliance's decision to revoke the accreditation of eight members of Russia's permanent mission to the organization. The work of the NATO Information Bureau and the military liaison mission in Moscow has also been suspended, reminds the Russian newspaper "Kommersant".                       "Everything is developing in such a way that we will hardly return there," Grushko said during a discussion at the Valdai club, answering the host's question whether Russia would return to Brussels.

In early October, the NATO Secretariat informed the Russian side of the decision of the Secretary General of the Alliance Jens Stoltenberg to revoke the accreditation of eight employees of the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation from November 1, 2021, and to reduce the total number of diplomatic missions to 10 people. . According to Stoltenberg, the expelled diplomats were "unannounced spies.".                                                                                         Commenting on the termination of the dialogue with NATO, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the North Atlantic Alliance itself was to blame for the closure of Russia's permanent mission to the organization. The Russian president noted that Moscow "does not want to cooperate with NATO anyway."

Moscow will react reciprocally to the expulsion of Russian diplomats from the United States

 Moscow will respond to the forthcoming new expulsion of Russian diplomats from the United States. This was stated by Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov, quoted by Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

"We have warned the Americans that in order to avoid further staff reductions there, we cannot fail to respond," he said, urging the United States to stop this policy.                                                                                             About 27 Russian diplomats with their families will have to leave the United States on January 30 next year. The same number of employees of the diplomatic mission will have to leave the United States by June 30, 2022, said Russian Ambassador to Washington Anatoly Antonov late Saturday night.

"Our diplomats are being persecuted. On January 30, a large group of my comrades will leave - 27 people with their families, and on June 30 - as many more," Antonov said.

Erdogan voiced Turkey's readiness to mediate between Moscow and Kiev


Turkey can mediate between Ukraine and Russia amid growing tensions in the region, President of our southeastern neighbor Recep Tayyip Erdogan was quoted as saying by the Daily Sabah.

"We hope that this region will not become a war-dominated region," the Turkish leader said. "Let this region enter the future as a region dominated by peace."

"We want the relations on this issue to develop in a positive direction. There may be mediation for this, we will discuss this issue with them, we would like to have a share in solving the problems by developing these talks with both Ukraine and Mr. Putin, "he added on his return from Turkmenistan.

A giant US military transport ship lands in Alexandroupolis


The impressive American military transport ship ARC Independence docked in the port of Alexandroupolis on Saturday, Protothema reports.

His arrival is in support of the great Atlantic Resolve military exercise and transports helicopters and vehicles that will begin unloading in the coming days. At the same time, the ship's staff will pick up military equipment, as well as helicopters that have already arrived in the port of Alexandroupolis from Romania and have already been dismantled, as well as vehicles to be transported to the United States.                                                                                 This is not the only cargo ship that will arrive in the port of Alexandroupolis to unload and then load military equipment of the US military. They will follow, because, as the American ambassador to Athens Jeffrey Payette stated, the biggest arrival of military equipment in the port of the city will happen in the next period.

The event, to be held in Alexandroupolis, in the presence of Mr Payet and government ministers, is scheduled for 3 December.

The military alliance between Russia and China could deprive the United States of its status as a leading superpower


On Tuesday, Moscow announced it was expanding military "cooperation" with Beijing in light of alleged threats from Washington, including US nuclear bombers flying near Russia's borders, The Sun reported.

Tensions between the West and Russia have reached a boiling point over the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the migration crisis in Belarus.

Isabel Suckins, a fellow at the Henry Jackson Society and an expert on Russia, told The Sun that the unification of Russia and China threatened catastrophic consequences for Western powers.                     This development is extremely detrimental to the West and undermines America's position in the world, she said. The combined efforts of China and Russia will cause panic in Western capitals.

"China is gaining strength, and it's not so much about its impressive economy as it is about the scale of power. "Cooperation between China and Russia and their shared concern for the West's actions is a really terrible prospect."

In August, Moscow and Beijing participated in a joint military exercise and signed a memorandum of understanding.                             And this week, in light of alleged US exercises near Russia's borders, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu announced the strengthening of the military alliance between the two powers. He said: "Against this background, Russian-Chinese coordination is becoming a stabilizing factor in world affairs."

During the video meeting, the parties agreed to strengthen co-operation between the armed forces through strategic military exercises and joint patrols, the Russian Defense Ministry said.               Sokins described the development of a military partnership as a "horror" for the West. "If Russia and China eventually unite, they will want to take control of America in several ways. Events in Afghanistan have tarnished the Biden administration's reputation, and many have begun to lose credibility in its military interventions and overseas activities.

Speaking about the consequences for Europe and the United Kingdom, she said: "For the United Kingdom, this is terrible because we are much closer to Russia than the United States. We are very, very close to Moscow. ".                                                                                        Sokins said that in the event of a Russian-Chinese attack on US troops, Britain would have to intervene. Europe will be involved in all this confusion. "We need to make sure we are ready in the event of hostilities. And in general you need to keep your ears open. America cannot fight Russia and China alone. She will need help from Western partners and I think she will be one of the first to contact us. "

Earlier this month, Russia warned that relations with the West were nearing a boiling point due to growing tensions over the accumulation of migrants on the Polish-Belarusian border.                        As NATO and Russian forces play cat and mouse, Putin says he will easily eliminate any aggressor who attacks the country. In recent days, US officials have repeatedly warned of a possible Russian invasion of Ukraine, as the Kremlin has already amassed 100,000 troops at the border.

In addition, Putin has been accused of fueling the current migration crisis between Belarus and Poland and even sending nuclear jet bombers there.                                                                                                     Belarus, formerly known as the last European dictatorship, has been accused of using migration as a weapon against the EU, sparking tense opposition along its border with Poland, involving troops from both sides.

This was preceded by EU sanctions against Belarus following the brutal actions of the authorities against the protesters, which swept the country in response to the outcome of the general election.


Fears are growing that Russia may use gas supplies as a weapon

   The British authorities fear that the imposition of severe economic sanctions against Russia will provoke Moscow to retaliate, which will...