Friday, December 31, 2021

The convicted South Korean president has been released


Former South Korean President Park Geun-hye was released from prison on Friday, nearly five years after she was convicted of corruption, sparking a debate over whether she will play a role before the March 2022 presidential election, Reuters reports.

Park, 69, was the first democratically elected leader in the country to be removed when the Constitutional Court upheld a 2017 parliamentary vote to remove her over a scandal that also led to the imprisonment of two conglomerate leaders, Samsung and Lotte.

 President Moon Jae-in pardoned Park last week, citing her deteriorating health and expressing hope for "overcoming the unfortunate past history and promoting national unity."

Justice Department officials handed the pardon to Park at the hospital, where he has been for a month, Yonhap reported, adding that she remained there on Friday. The hospital declined to comment.

 Her lawyer said Park, the daughter of a former military dictator, apologized for causing public concern and thanked Moon for making a "difficult decision".

The liberation of Park comes when its former party, the main opposition conservative People's Force, and the Democratic Party of Moon are in a tough presidential race.

 Her imprisonment divided the country, with right-wing groups holding weekly rallies in support of the convicted president, blaming Moon and his policies for calling for Park's release, while social distancing rules ended rallies last year.

Hundreds of Park supporters endured the freezing temperatures to gather in front of the hospital, where she stayed up late Thursday to celebrate her release by sending more than 1,000 bouquets of flowers.

The Serbian president boasted that he had successfully completed the first year of coaching


 Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has said he has successfully completed the first year of training at a sports school for children's basketball coaches, the TACC quoted him as saying.

"Now I'm studying to be a basketball coach. I finished my first year. All grades are the highest - all are tens, only one is nine," Vucic said in an interview with K1 television.

 When asked by the journalist who dared to give the president a grade of 9 instead of 10, Vucic said that he could not attend all the trainings due to his presidential duties and therefore did not score the required number of points. Vucic compared politics to sports, noting that people need to win and understand that they are fighting hard for their interests.

 Earlier in one of his official statements, the Serbian leader mentioned that after finishing his political career, he would like to work as a basketball coach. In his youth, the president played football and basketball, his height is 199 cm.

5The conversation between the presidents of Russia and the United States added a little optimism


 After midnight talks between the presidents of Russia and the United States, many details were not known, but what became clear is enough to add some optimism to the current situation, said Deputy Chairman of the Council of the Russian Federation Konstantin Kosachev, quoted by "Rosiska gazets ".

"And to make the optimism understandable, I suggest we look at what happened through the eyes of a pessimist who is always ready for the worst," Kosachov said.

 In the end, the conversation could simply not have taken place. For example, referring to the fact that "the experts must meet first" ... But there was a conversation and it turned out to be well prepared on both sides, and therefore essentially .

It was also possible that the schedule for the forthcoming discussion of the famous Russian proposals would be reduced by the Americans only to the NATO format convenient for them on January 12, without Russian-American talks on January 10 and OSCE consultations on January 13. No, the presidents agreed on the complex sequence of 10-12-13 (January), and this is also very important.

 Finally, during the midnight conversation, Biden could theoretically identify those parts of the Russian proposals that Washington generally refuses to even discuss. This is not the case, the agenda remains comprehensive. This, of course, does not predetermine the outcome of the negotiations, but it does not make them meaningless a priori. In addition, very important statements were made about Ukraine (first of all, the refusal to deploy offensive firearms).

 In general, if we use New Year's terminology, a champagne glass is more likely half full than half empty. And the hope remains that 2021 will go down in history as the culmination of all the bad things that could happen - at least in the field of security. What follows will be better. And there we see, we will defeat the coronavirus with joint efforts.

So I wish you all the best and all the best for the coming New Year 2022! "Especially for the negotiators on January 10, because by 12 and 13 a lot (though not everything, of course!) Will already be decided," Kosachov concluded.

All of America has targeted little Milorad Dodik


 Next year, Republika Srpska will continue to fight for its Dayton-regulated position, "Milorad Dodik, the Serbian member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) presidency, told Nezavisne Novosti, quoted by Macedonian online newspaper Lokalno.

He said he was not afraid of US or German sanctions, and noted that Republika Srpska had offered a platform for talks with the BiH Federation on the imposed decisions, but that Bosniaks did not want that.

 "They think they will get rid of Dodik and so someone will come who will agree with everything they say and destroy him," Dodik said.

He stressed that Republika Srpska will not hold talks with Christian Schmid until the Security Council confirms him as High Representative.

"I want to keep our autonomy. "I don't want the big ones to fight on our backs, no matter who they are," Dodik said.

 He added that new legal decisions on the Supreme Court and the RS Prosecutorial Council will enter the RS parliament in late January.

"We will repeal the Ashdown Act, which prohibits the disposal of state property by the RS. "Then we will regulate the ownership of RS, especially forests and agricultural land, with the new law, because we claim that the Constitutional Court was absolutely politically motivated when it made its decision," Dodik said.

Asked if he was worried about the sanctions being announced, Dodik said he had been living in a sanctions regime for several years.

 "This is nonsense, they did everything they could to prevent me from going to the inauguration of US President Donald Trump, whom I supported," Dodik said.

He added that he would never ask for a visa for America again and that his sanctions seemed helpless.

"All of America is targeting a little Milorad Dodik. Sometimes when I'm alone, I tell myself how strong I am. "And to tell you the truth, I'm laughing," Dodik said.

Asked about German sanctions, Dodik said German Foreign Minister Analena Berbock, who is pushing for sanctions, "has no idea about BiH" and "has nothing to do with what is happening here", Serbian news agency Tanjug quoted him as saying.

If Bulgaria continues its veto, Albania will seek secession from northern Macedonia on its path to the EU


 Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama told reporters today that the process of European integration was clear and that "Albania is in an absurd phase of blocking due to Bulgaria's veto imposed on northern Macedonia," the Skopje-based Sloboden Pechat newspaper quoted him as saying.

He added that Tirana does not intend to depend forever on the will of Sofia and announced that it will seek the separation of Albania from Northern Macedonia on the road to the EU, if at the end of the French presidency, ie. after the first six months of next year, Bulgaria continues its veto over Skopje.

 "If Bulgaria continues to veto, we will openly demand secession from Northern Macedonia. "Meanwhile, the important thing is that our points in the assessments of this process are increasing, and two important components in increasing the points are the steps that the justice system has begun to take," Rama said.

He pointed out that the Special Prosecutor's Office (SPAC) has passed the exam, which shows that he is not a political prosecutor on either the left or the right, but a special prosecutor's office to fight crime in Albania.

Rama stressed that the joint operations have been taken to a new level, where the SPAC has a special role.

  "I want to encourage SPAC prosecutors not to look to the left or to the right. "When we started judicial reform, many people in the country did not believe we would succeed," the Albanian prime minister said.

He reiterated that no one with a justice problem could hide behind the logo of his ruling Socialist Party.

Putin and Biden have agreed to continue the dialogue after the New Year


 The presidents of Russia and the United States, Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden, will continue the dialogue after the New Year, and the exact date of the next meeting of the leaders will depend on the situation in the security talks. This was said to reporters by the assistant to the President of the Russian Federation Yuri Ushakov after a telephone conversation between the presidents, TASS reports.

"The presidents, which is very important, agreed to continue the dialogue after the New Year," Ushakov said.

 According to him, the current conversation "was good, constructive, frank", as well as businesslike and meaningful. "It seems to me that this creates a good, even better, background for the start of negotiations [between the Russian Federation and the United States] in Geneva on January 9-10," the aide to the Russian leader said. In general, the talks will be held in three directions - after the Geneva consultations, these will be the contacts in Brussels on the Russia-NATO line on January 12 and in Vienna on the Russia-OSCE line on January 13.

 "The parties will take bilateral talks seriously. And the Geneva negotiation process will be under the personal supervision and control of the two presidents, "Ushakov said, stressing that the leaders had" agreed to maintain telephone contact "on the issue. .

Ushakov noted that in addition to the consultations in Geneva, the presidents will "monitor the negotiations along other lines." "And if necessary, they will communicate with each other and give their valuable instructions to the negotiating teams. It is only natural that such an agreement was reached. "But I don't know exactly when and on what day [the next] [Putin's and Biden's] conversation will take place, and no one knows, it will depend on the situation," Ushakov explained.

 According to him, if a conversation at the presidential level is necessary immediately after January 10, "it is quite possible that the presidents will agree to organize this conversation." "If not, then after some other time. But the main thing is that it was agreed to maintain close contact on this issue between the presidents, "said the Kremlin spokesman.

"The dialogue will continue through the administration, which will push the negotiation process, which will take place in three directions (in Geneva, Brussels and Vienna - TASS)," said the Russian presidential aide.

 "President Putin has said that we attach great importance to these talks, but the talks should not turn into chatter. Therefore, in the first place, we are not waiting for the negotiation process itself, but we are waiting for concrete results in accordance with our concerns, including expressed on paper, "Ushakov said.

Speaking about how long the consultations could last, the Kremlin spokesman noted that the Russian side "will consider how the negotiations will continue, will consider one, two, three rounds and will draw conclusions further."

Ushakov noted that the Kremlin considers it important to continue the dialogue between Moscow and Washington, and President Biden, for his part, promised that it would be so.

"He (Biden), of course, said that the United States will consult, will consult closely with its allies during the negotiation process [with the Russian Federation]. We said that, of course, we treat this with understanding, but it is important that Moscow and Washington continue the frank bilateral dialogue, "Ushakov said.

He said that in words about the importance of the dialogue, "Biden confirmed that he will build his own line in the future" with Moscow.

 The Kremlin is pleased with the telephone contact between the presidents of the Russian Federation and the United States, Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden, and the focus of the conversation was generally constructive, Ushakov said.

"In general, we are satisfied with the contact, with the talks, because they were frank, meaningful and concrete. I can say that in general the focus of this conversation was quite constructive, "Ushakov said. He confirmed the announcement from the American side that the conversation lasted 50 minutes.

 The Kremlin spokesman added that the presidents were well prepared for the conversation and it turned out to be "really serious, although it is only natural that the leaders congratulated each other on the New Year holidays and wished success to the Russian and American people." "But I would especially like to emphasize that this was not a purely New Year's conversation, a Christmas gathering. "I would say that exactly one day before the New Year, a really important event took place, in which our and the American presidents played their role," he concluded.

 "It is important that the American side demonstrates a desire to understand the logic and essence of Russia's concerns, which were set out in ... two documents that, as you know, were handed over to Washington and NATO headquarters," Ushakov said.

Asked if it was possible to say that the presidents had made progress in reaching a compromise, the Russian leader's aide said "it is not yet clear what a compromise is." "For us, of course, the negotiation process means that we will take into account some considerations of the American side or of our Western partners in general. This is the essence of our position, we will strive for it, "Ushakov summed up.

A "serious" conversation between Biden and Putin set the stage for diplomacy


 US President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday exchanged warnings about Ukraine, but expressed some optimism that diplomatic talks in January could ease the escalation, Reuters reported.

In a 50-minute conversation, the second of the month, Biden said he wanted Russia to reduce the build-up of troops near Ukraine, while Putin said sanctions threatening Washington and allies could sever ties. The conversation was requested by Putin.

 "President Biden reiterated that significant progress in these dialogues can only happen in a de-escalated environment, not an escalation," said White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki.

Kremlin aide Yuri Ushakov said the talks set a "good background" for future talks.

The exchange of leaders laid the groundwork for lower-level engagement between the countries, including a US-Russia security meeting on January 9-10, followed by a Russia-NATO session on January 12 and a broader conference involving Moscow, Washington and others. European countries, scheduled for 13 January.

 Despite diplomacy talks, the tone of the conversation was described by officials on both sides as "serious". And neither side has detailed significant progress on the resolution or outline of any deal.

For his part, Biden reiterated his threat of unprecedented sanctions if Russia chooses to invade Ukraine.

"Biden outlined two paths," including diplomacy and deterrence, as well as "serious costs and consequences," a senior administration official said.

 "Both leaders acknowledged that there are likely to be areas where we can make significant progress, as well as areas where agreements may be impossible, and that the forthcoming negotiations will more precisely define the contours of each of these categories."

Assistants said the options include measures that would effectively detach Russia from the global financial system while further arming NATO.

 Ushakov said Putin "responded immediately" that any sanctions now or later "could lead to a complete severance of ties between our countries." He added: "Our president also mentioned that it will be a mistake that our descendants will see as a huge mistake."

The Kremlin said Biden seemed to agree with Putin's claim that Moscow needed some security assurances from the West, and that he had said the United States did not intend to deploy offensive weapons in Ukraine.

 A White House spokesman did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the Kremlin's announcement of Biden's remarks.

Putin has compared current tensions to the Cuban-era Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. Washington has seen many of his demands, including restrictions on NATO enlargement, as unacceptable.


Putin pointed to the possibility of a complete rupture in relations between Russia and the United States in the event of new sanctions


 In a telephone conversation with his American counterpart Joe Biden, Russian President Vladimir Putin pointed to the possibility of a complete rupture of relations between the two countries in the event of the introduction of the promised "unprecedented sanctions". This was announced to reporters on Friday by the aide to Russian leader Yuri Ushakov, quoted by TACC.

According to him, Biden mentioned in the conversation that "if the escalation continues along the Ukrainian border, Western countries will take large-scale sanctions," including in the economic and military spheres.

 "But our president reacted immediately by saying that if the West still decides to impose these unprecedented sanctions under certain conditions, then all this could lead to a complete severance of relations between our countries. And there will be serious damage to relations. of Russia and the West as a whole, "the diplomat said. According to a Kremlin spokesman, Putin also said that such steps would later be seen by his descendants as a mistake." And many such mistakes have been made in the last 30 years. it is advisable not to make such mistakes in this situation, "Ushakov said.

The West will give a decisive answer if Russia invades Ukraine


 In a telephone conversation with Russian leader Vladimir Putin, US President Joe Biden announced the readiness of Washington and his allies for a decisive response if Russia "invades Ukraine." This is stated in a written statement issued on Thursday by White House spokesman Jen Psaki, TASS reports.

"President Biden has called on Russia to de-escalate tensions with Ukraine. "He has made it clear that the United States and its allies and partners will give a decisive response if Russia invades Ukraine in the future," she wrote.

 The current telephone conversation was the second conversation between the two presidents in the last month. On December 7, Putin and Biden held a two-hour video conference. The predominant topic was the situation around Ukraine, and the leaders also discussed bilateral relations, cybersecurity and Iran's nuclear deal.

 The initiative for the new conversation came from Putin. As Russian President Dmitry Peskov's spokesman told reporters earlier, the purpose of the talks is to continue discussing issues that were on the agenda of previous talks between the leaders, as well as the upcoming talks in January 2022. The representative of the National Council White House Security Secretary Emily Horn, meanwhile, said Biden expected to discuss a number of issues with Putin, including upcoming diplomatic contacts with the Russian Federation.

 As Psaki noted, Biden expressed support for diplomatic contacts with the Russian Federation in the framework of the Strategic Stability Dialogue, as well as through the Russia-NATO Council and the OSCE. At the same time, he stressed that he believes that tangible progress is possible only in conditions of de-escalation of tensions.

"President Biden also expressed support for the diplomatic efforts that will begin early next year with a bilateral dialogue on strategic stability, within NATO through the Russia-NATO Council and within the OSCE," Psaki said.

Iran has made "good progress" in lifting sanctions during the Vienna talks


 Iran's leading negotiator on the nuclear deal, Ali Bagheri, has made "good progress" in the eighth round of talks with world powers in Vienna, focusing mainly on lifting sanctions, the Anatolian Agency reported.

Speaking to reporters after the last round was postponed to Thursday due to the New Year holidays, Ali Bagheri said talks had been held at various levels since Monday and relatively good progress had been made.

The focus of the current round, he stressed, has been on lifting sanctions imposed by the former US administration and the verification process between Iran and other countries on both issues.

 The top Iranian diplomat hopes that "more serious work" will be done on lifting the sanctions after other countries return from their respective capitals on Monday.

The eighth round of marathon talks between Iran and P4 + 1 (Russia, China, France, Britain and Germany) resumed in the Austrian capital last Monday after a 10-day break.

While the seventh round, which came after a five-month hiatus, focused on reviving the deal by addressing sanctions and nuclear measures, the current round focuses mainly on lifting sanctions, inspections and safeguards, according to Iranian officials.

 Following the start of a new round of talks on Monday, Bagheri stressed the importance of prioritizing the lifting of sanctions, inspections and safeguards, saying a country that has abandoned the deal must make the first move, given the United States.

The lifting of sanctions, he noted, will be followed by a Tehran inspection and then a return to the 2015 nuclear deal.

This hot drink reduces the risk of hypertension


 High blood pressure is a harbinger of serious problems and significantly increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. Life-threatening complications occur when the pressure in the vessels reaches a certain threshold and there is a risk of blood clots forming or rupturing these vessels. Fortunately, some drinks are able to relax the smooth muscles that line the walls of blood vessels, allowing more blood to flow through them. These drinks significantly reduce the risk of developing hypertension in the future, writes the British newspaper Daily Express.

 The UK's National Institute of Excellence in Health and Care reports that high blood pressure is considered to be a pressure above 135/85 millimeters of mercury. It is after this threshold that health problems usually arise.

At this stage, high blood pressure is usually treated with special drugs, but many plants also help to deal with this condition.

One study found that Taiwanese people who regularly drank oolong tea - at least 120 grams a day - had a significantly reduced risk of developing hypertension.

 In fact, researchers have found that drinking even half a cup of green tea or oolong tea a day can reduce the risk of hypertension by up to 50%.

In addition, those who drink more than two cups of green tea a day have a 65% reduction in the risk of developing the disease.

Yi-Chin, a researcher at the Chen Kun National University Medical College in Taiwan, and his colleagues write, "The link between drinking tea and lowering blood pressure has been debated in public health in China for decades."

The benefits of green tea are well known to all, but its long-term effects on the body remain somewhat of a mystery.

 The study, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, was conducted using data from 1,507 Chinese men and women living in Taiwan who have no history of hypertension.

The researchers focused mainly on those participants who regularly consume green tea or oolong, both of which are made from the same plant.

Researchers have noticed that oolong tea drinkers are mostly younger men with a higher level of education and a higher socio-economic status than those who do not like tea.

Moreover, scientists have noticed that the health benefits of drinking green tea are directly related to the amount of tea you drink regularly.

 "People who drink green tea only occasionally have a higher risk of developing hypertension than those who drink it regularly. And we found a direct link between risk reduction and the amount of green tea a person drinks per day, the researchers said.

Because oolong tea is a partially fermented tea, it is rich in flavonoids, including catechin, which is a unique antioxidant.

Catechin is also found in other foods, including fruits, vegetables, chocolate, wine and tea.

The anti-inflammatory properties of oolong tea are primarily due to the presence of catechins in its composition, but this drink also contains theaflavins and theasine insins.

 It is also worth noting that another key ingredient in green tea is caffeine, which can significantly raise blood pressure, so this drink should be consumed in moderation.

While caffeine can increase mental alertness, it can also cause a number of serious problems, including a faster heart rate.

Green tea and oolong can not only lower blood pressure, but also help fight high cholesterol.

Studies show that people who consume at least 300 milliliters of oolong per week significantly reduce the risk of high levels of total cholesterol in the blood.

Armenian authorities have authorized charter flights to Istanbul


 The Armenian Civil Aviation has given permission to the Armenian airline Flyone Armenia to operate charter flights on the route Yerevan - Istanbul - Yerevan. This was said for TASS by the chairman of the board of the company Aram Ananyan.

"Flyone Armenia asked the aviation authorities of Armenia and Turkey a few days ago to obtain permission to operate charter flights on the Yerevan-Istanbul-Yerevan route. We thank the Armenian aviation authorities for their positive response," he said. the company is now awaiting permission from turkey.

 On December 16th, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said Ankara was considering applications from Turkish and Armenian airlines for flights on the Istanbul-Yerevan-Istanbul route.

Despite the common border between Armenia and Turkey, there are no diplomatic relations. In 2009 in Zurich, the foreign ministers of the two countries signed protocols on the establishment of diplomatic relations and the principles of relations, but these documents were not ratified. On March 1, 2018, Yerevan announced the annulment of the protocols.

Earlier, Ankara and Yerevan announced the appointment of special representatives to normalize bilateral relations.

Authorities in Bali will expel tourists for violating social restrictions


 Authorities in Bali have said they will deport foreign tourists for violating anti-epidemic restrictions during the New Year celebrations, AFP reported, citing provincial immigration chief Jamaruli Manihuruk.

"Be prepared that you may be expelled," Jamaruli Manihuruk said. He also called for anti-epidemic restrictions to be met so that authorities could fight the spread of the new strain of coronavirus Omicron.

"Bali authorities have deported about 200 foreign tourists in 2021," he said. "Seven of them violated the restrictions on coronavirus."

 Earlier, the authorities of the Indonesian province of Bali imposed anti-epidemic restrictions from December 24, 2021 to January 2, 2022. In particular, the authorities banned celebrations and the use of fireworks. The occupancy of shopping centers, restaurants and cafes should not exceed 75% of the total capacity. Authorities also warned nightclub owners of possible liability in the form of fines for violating the regulations.

Milorad Dodik is doing everything he can to make Bosnia and Herzegovina fail


 Democratic Action Party (SDA) leader Bakir Izetbegovic says he does not see Bosniak unitarism in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and accused Serbian BiH presidency member Milorad Dodik of doing everything possible to fail the country, Skopje said, Sloboden pechat newspaper.

"He insults BiH all the time. He insults Bosniaks, sometimes Croats, insults members of the international community. "He is doing everything to make Bosnia a failure, but the far less successful part of this story is Republika Srpska," Izetebgovic told HTV. "provoked by Dodik's statement in which he called BiH malignant."

 Izetbegovic accused Bosnian Serb leader Dodik of wanting to roll back reforms 20 years ago and create a state within a state. To restore the Republika Srpska state within the BiH state. He effectively wants the abolition of the federal court, over which he has no influence, and the creation of a court in Banja Luka that can be influenced by court decisions.

Dodik wants to abolish state-level justice in BiH "because he fears that justice". said the SDA leader.

 Regarding Croat units in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Izetbegovic said Croats, as the smallest entity, "feel most comfortable" in BiH, as they hold 46 of the 300 important positions in the federation, more than the number of positions. provided for in the Constitution. "

Russia's finance minister has explained why the EU will not agree to exclude Russia from SWIFT


 Excluding Russia from SWIFT would suspend EU payments for oil, fuel and gas supplies, so if such a decision is made, it will become a "general headache", Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov was quoted as saying. "Russian newspaper".

"Who would benefit from severing ties with SWIFT? No one. So to speak, they will harm themselves," he said in an interview with Russia 24 TV channel.

 The Minister reminded that Russian companies export hydrocarbons to Europe, as well as non-energy goods, so the Ministry of Finance does not understand "how we will trade with Europeans who influence decisions - to include or exclude us from SWIFT." At the same time, Siluanov believes that Europeans, in the event of such a radical choice, "of course will not give up" on Russian goods.

"Will it have to be calculated? Should. Will they cause problems? Of course. I do not understand those who talk about it. This, of course, can be done, but then together we will find tools on how to provide information about these transactions to each other, "concluded Siluanov.

 The international banking system SWIFT provides the transfer of information and payments between 11 thousand of the largest organizations in the world, including Russian companies. The exclusion of the Russian Federation from this system has been mentioned many times over the last few years, the last time the discussion was resumed later this year.

The administration of US President Joe Biden intends to force the European Union to negotiate a broad package of sanctions against Russia, which includes a clause to cut ties with SWIFT, Bloomberg reports, but for now the initiators of possible sanctions call the measure "extremely problematic."

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Greece will introduce full digitalisation of identity documents


 Greeks will be able to download a digital version of their full ID card and driver's license on their mobile phones until next Easter, Greek Digital Administration Minister Kyriakos Pierakakis was quoted as saying by the Greek newspaper Kathimerini.

"We aim for most of this work to be ready by the end of the first quarter of 2022, we will certainly have these changes before Easter with regard to the new ID card ... and with regard to the driver's license," he told Skai TV.

 Currently, people can download part of their ID card on their phone to make it easier to verify the identity of the vaccination certificate holder. The new service will allow citizens to use their digital identification number in any relationship with the state or institution requesting identification.

Pierakakis also said the partial digital ID had been downloaded 608,000 times in the last 48 hours.

Zelenski is concerned about the West's inconsistency with Nord Stream-2


 The team of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky believes that Kiev's partners are inconsistent on the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. This was said by the adviser to the head of the Cabinet of the President of Ukraine Mykhailo Podoliak in an interview with the Kiev edition "Facts".

Podoliak said Zelenski's team was worried, among other things, about the "inconsistency of external partners". "One example, and there are many of them, is Nord Stream 2, which has significantly strengthened the global position of the Russian Federation," giving an example of such "inconsistency."

 Other issues affecting the Ukrainian leader's cabinet include the conflict in Donbass and the security problem in general, linking it to Russia. "Undoubtedly, we are concerned about key challenges. The first is the still unfinished war, the uncertainty of Russia's position on global markets, that is, European security in general." He cited "energy monopolies in the country" and "distortion of the media space" as other problems. In particular, Podoliak complained that the Ukrainian media "did not set a positive agenda" which, in his opinion, would reflect "what Ukraine can be strategically proud of."

 Asked whether Ukrainians have started to live better in the past year, Podoliak said that "people are under strong negative media pressure, which is why they are not objective in assessing their quality of life." "Unfortunately, the general nervous situation created by this pressure does not give people the feeling that everything in the country is stable and we need to move forward," he said. At the same time, he tried to make sure that Zelenski's team controlled all the processes. "We understand where the country is going strategically," he said.

The Kremlin has announced that the conversation between Putin and Biden will not be public


 A spokesman for Russian President Dmitry Peskov said the conversation between Vladimir Putin and US President Joe Biden would not include a public part. According to him, a new conversation was needed to clarify the positions of the parties on the eve of the interstate security talks scheduled for early January. The call will be held on the initiative of Vladimir Putin, writes the Russian newspaper "Kommersant".

 The telephone conversation between the presidents will begin today, December 30, at 9:30 p.m. "It was Putin's initiative, the weather is quite normal given the time difference. That is why there are no problems here, you know that the late period has never been a problem for the Russian president, especially since he is sometimes still very active at that time, "Dmitry Peskov said during a press conference.

He stressed that this time we are talking about a simple telephone conversation without a public part. "This is a continuation of the discussion that began on the video conference, plus a discussion of a number of current issues related to the negotiations that will take place," Peskov added.

 The spokesman explained the need for a new conversation between the presidents with the importance of the upcoming talks between Russia, the United States and NATO. "It's a very complex substance. "Issues that are on the agenda since the last conversation, as promised by President Putin, Russia has formulated its position, which is set out in the two draft documents, which were presented to both Washington and a number of European capitals," Peskov said.

If Turkey wants to make a positive contribution, let it support Russia's demands for security guarantees


 Ankara could make a positive contribution to Moscow-NATO relations if it supports Russia's proposals for security guarantees. This was stated at a briefing on Thursday by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, quoted by TASS.

"Supporting the latest Russian proposals for security guarantees can be a real contribution to improving Russia-NATO relations," she said, commenting on Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu's statement that Ankara was ready to make a positive contribution to Russia's relations with NATO. NATO.

 "We are determined to keep in touch with our Turkish partners in the interest of creating the necessary political and diplomatic atmosphere and promoting dialogue on security issues in the Euro-Atlantic area," the diplomat added.

Cavusoglu said on Monday that Turkey will continue to try to make a positive contribution to resolving the situation in Russia-NATO relations. According to him, Ankara attaches great importance to the upcoming Russia-NATO summit.

Germany has threatened Russia with a "long list of sanctions" if it invades Ukraine


 German Foreign Minister Analena Berbock opposed the supply of weapons to Kiev and warned Russia against "military escalation on Ukraine's borders." "A new military escalation will not bring more security to Ukraine," the minister said in an interview with the DPA on Thursday, answering a question about the possibility of supplying weapons.

Burbock claims that the G-7 and the EU "have made it very clear" that further aggravation of the situation, and in particular the violation of international law and Ukraine's sovereignty, will have far-reaching political and economic consequences for Russia. "If we combine our capabilities, it will be a long list [of sanctions]," Burbock said.
 According to her, however, at the moment "it is important not to allow a new escalation." "This is possible only through diplomacy - within the Normandy format, but also within the Russia-NATO Council and the OSCE," Burbock said.

Sergei Ryabkov and Wendy Sherman to represent Russia and the United States at the Geneva talks


 Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov and US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman will hold security talks in Geneva on January 10, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Thursday amid growing tensions over Ukraine, Reuters reported.

Russia is due to hold talks with NATO in Brussels on January 12th, ahead of a wider meeting involving Russia, the United States and other European countries on January 13th, which the Russian Foreign Ministry said would take place in Vienna.

 Russia has alarmed Western countries by amassing tens of thousands of troops near its border with Ukraine in the past two months, the British agency said. Moscow denies planning to attack Ukraine and says it has the right to move its troops to its own land as it sees fit.

Moscow, worried about what it sees as the rearmament of Ukraine by the West, said it wanted legally binding guarantees from NATO's military alliance for its non-expansion to the east and the non-deployment of weapons dangerous to Russia, Reuters reported.

 "During the talks, we will seek firm legal guarantees for Russia's security from the United States, namely that NATO will not move east and that weapons systems threatening Russia will not be located near our borders," Maria said. Zakharova, a spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, briefed Thursday.

The Vienna-based Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), which includes the United States and its NATO allies, as well as Russia, Ukraine and other former Soviet states, will take part in the talks on 13 January.

Germany will close all its nuclear power plants by the end of 2022


 Three nuclear power plants will be disconnected from the grid in Germany on Friday as part of the country's plan to abandon nuclear energy, writes the European edition of Politico. The other three will be eliminated by the end of 2022.

"The phasing out of nuclear energy makes our country safer and helps avoid radioactive waste," said Federal Minister for the Environment and Nuclear Safety Steffi Lemke.

"It is now essential to ... make progress in finding a final repository for high-level radioactive waste, as well as permanent solutions for low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste," the environment ministry said.

 Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel has accelerated phasing out following the 2011 Fukushima accident in Japan.

Friday's shutdown affects the Brockdorf power plants in Schleswig-Holstein, Gronde in Lower Saxony and Gundremingen C in Bavaria.

The other three nuclear power plants in Germany - Emsland in Lower Saxony, Isar 2 in Bavaria and Neckervestheim 2 in Baden-Wuerttemberg - will be closed "at the latest" by the end of 2022, the Ministry of the Environment said.

"Since 2011, Germany has been drawing a line under extremely problematic technology in an orderly and reliable process," Lemke said.

 Nuclear energy accounts for about 10 percent of Germany's electricity production. The shutdown has drawn criticism as Germany will have to drastically increase renewable energy and also increase its dependence on highly polluting energy from coal.

"Security of supply in Germany continues to be guaranteed," said Robert Habeck, Federal Minister for Climate and Economy. He added that reliable and "sustainably generated electricity" is "a central requirement for bringing our economy and industry to climate neutrality".

 This position puts Berlin in conflict with France, where nuclear energy is the largest element of its energy mix (and also helps supply Germany).

EU Internal Market Commissioner Thierry Breton said in September that existing nuclear power plants, which provide low-carbon electricity essential for the green transition, could continue to operate "for two, five, 10 years", adding: "Why are we losing this production capacity? ”

 France plans to reduce the share of nuclear energy in its electricity mix from 75% to 50% by 2035, but President Emmanuel Macron said in November that France would "restart nuclear reactor construction" while continuing to develop renewables. energy ".

Macron also said France would invest 1 billion euros in research and development, especially in small modular reactors.

Belgium recently decided to close all its nuclear power plants by 2025, but plans to invest 100 million euros in nuclear reactors and next-generation research.

Germany does not rule out stopping Nord Stream 2 in the event of a conflict between Russia and Ukraine


 The Deputy Chancellor, Minister of Economy and Climate Protection of the Federal Republic of Germany Robert Habeck did not rule out imposing sanctions on Nord Stream 2 in the event of a military conflict between Russia and Ukraine, while stressing that the government does not intend to interfere in the process. project approval. He said this on the air of the ZDF TV channel, excerpts from which the DPA agency quoted on Thursday.

 "We are a state governed by the rule of law and permits are issued in accordance with the law. "Politicians need to focus on the political sphere," Habek said. However, he said, "in light of the situation in eastern Ukraine and the accumulation of the Russian army there, [it may be necessary] to make a political decision on what sanctions to impose in certain circumstances if a heated conflict arises again."

 The Vice Chancellor welcomed the planned bilateral talks between Moscow and Washington on Ukraine on January 10th. "If the United States and Russia are talking to each other, that's fine," he said. At the same time, Habek called on Europe to "use its own formats, its own chances" for dialogue with the Russian Federation. Among them, he pointed to the Normandy format and the Russia-NATO Council.

Janez Jansa has struggled to incorporate the prospect of membership into EU documents


 During its presidency of the EU Council, Slovenia has managed to reintroduce the term "membership perspective" in documents instead of the usual "European perspective" for the Balkans and Europe's eastern neighborhood, Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Jansa was quoted as saying by Skopje's Sloboden pechat newspaper.

"One of the strategic successes is that we have restored mass enlargement as one of the key strategic projects of the EU. But that required a lot of discussion, "Jansa said in an interview with Slovenian television.

 "I have said many times in these debates that after everything we have experienced in the East and what we have seen in the Balkans in recent decades, it must be clear that the EU needs to expand, which expands the space of freedom and prosperity. "We need to get rid of the illusion that things will work out on their own, and if the EU does not expand, then someone else will."

He added that in this way, at meetings in Brussels, he had managed to reintroduce the "membership perspective" in European Union documents instead of the "European perspective" of European countries outside the EU, which he claimed were opposed by some of the old members. - founders of the EU.

 There is a lot of opportunism, especially when it comes to the Western Balkans, "Jansa added.

"One of the European leaders, I will not tell him his name, even in the debate he said: why bring them into the European Union when they are as cheap as labor," said Jansha, adding that some old members are narrow-minded or "narrow-minded." nationalist interests ”that prevail over the vision of a free, peaceful and united Europe.

"The European project is not over yet, and many countries that want to become members of the European Union are not yet free. This project must continue, and enlargement is its main element, "Jansa said in an interview with Slovenian television.

An unknown species of begonia, 3.5 meters high, has been found in southern Tibet


 An international team of botanists has discovered a hitherto unknown species of begonia in Medog County in southern Tibet. It can reach a height of 3.5 meters, making it the largest species of these plants. The first photos and descriptions of this species of begonia were published by scientists in an article in the journal PhytoKeys.

"The habitat of this plant, which is currently the tallest begonia on Earth, has proved very fragmented. This suggests the need to add Begonia Gigantica to the list of vulnerable species found in southern Tibet, the researchers wrote.

 Begonias are herbaceous and shrubby plants that grow in the tropics of Eurasia and the New World. In total, scientists have described more than two thousand species of these plants, some of which have become popular among gardeners and lovers of houseplants due to the ability of begonias to grow in almost complete absence of sunlight.

A group of botanists led by Tian Daike, a professor at the Shanghai Center for Plant Research at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (China), discovered in southern Tibet the largest species of begonia on Earth, up to 3.5 meters high, with trunk about 12 cm thick.

 The plant was discovered by scientists in the Medog district while studying the forest flora of Tibet, growing on streams and mountain rivers at an altitude of 400-1400 m. During this "counting of plants" Professor Daike came across an unusually tall begonia, whose flowers he could not reach and whose stem he could grasp with the fingers of one hand.

 Scientists have studied the plant in detail and concluded that it belongs to a hitherto unknown species of begonia, named Begonia Gigantica. Subsequent expeditions to the forests of Medog County have shown that the populations of this plant are extremely fragmented. That is why the plant is included in the Red Book to prevent extinction, scientists conclude.

There will be no Serbian referendum in Kosovo, especially now


 Prime Minister of the youngest state in the Balkans Albin Kurti has warned that a referendum organized by Serbia will not be held in Kosovo, and that except for sovereignty, this will not be allowed due to the chosen moment, the Pristina daily Gazeta Express reported. .

"They could not think of a worse time to hold a referendum in Kosovo," Kurti said, adding that January 15th marks the anniversary of the Rechak massacre and January 17th the killing of three Kosovo Albanian activists in Germany. (Kadri Zeka, Bardos Gervala, Yusuf Gervala), as well as that of Kosovo Serb political leader Oliver Ivanovic.

 Serbia planned to hold a referendum on January 16th on constitutional changes regarding the appointment of judges and prosecutors, the paper recalled.

Turkish intelligence detains 23 foreigners on suspicion of terrorism


 Officials from the Ankara Intelligence Directorate and the Turkish National Intelligence Organization have conducted an operation to detain 23 foreigners in the capital's province on suspicion of involvement in the activities of the terrorist organization Islamic State, Haberturk TV reported.

The detainees were taken to the police station for questioning. They are believed to be involved in the group's actions in military conflict zones. The citizenship of the detainees is not specified. No other details are available at this time.

 Turkish security forces also detained a foreigner on Wednesday on suspicion of membership in the Islamic State terrorist group. The suspect was caught at Esenboga Airport in the capital of our southeastern neighbor. According to media reports, he was carrying Russian documents with him.

Police in Munich have stopped protests against COVID-19 measures by some 5,000 protesters


 Thousands of people tried to demonstrate against the restrictions due to COVID-19 in Munich on Wednesday night, the German national daily Die Zeit reported.

According to police, about 5,000 people took part in the operation, which was not authorized by the authorities. Groups of dozens of people have formed in the center of the Bavarian capital and have been dispersed by law enforcement. Incidents were reported between law enforcement and protesters.

 As a result, more than two dozen charges have been filed, including assault, fake coronavirus certificates and incitement to commit a crime. In addition, law enforcement agencies reported hundreds of administrative violations - 1,300 warnings were issued.

It is emphasized that the authorities expected large protests, which led to the deployment of about 1,000 police officers and a helicopter to maintain order in Munich.


If you rely only on Russia, it will be harder for you


 Serbia has to make its own decisions on energy, but it is best for it to diversify its energy sources and the way it produces its energy. This was emphasized by the US Ambassador to our western neighbor Anthony Godfrey, the electronic edition of the Belgrade daily Politika quoted him as saying.

 "If you rely only on supplies from Russia, it will be harder for you to negotiate a good price. We expect Serbia to participate soon in a very important program for the introduction of gas imports through Greece, which is a very important partnership. It is important to introduce new energy sources, especially green energy sources. "I am proud that American companies are cooperating with Serbia to this end," Godfrey told TV Prva.

 Concluding that Serbia wants the cheapest possible gas and that supplies will be more expensive through the US company, Godfrey said he had talked a lot about it with President Aleksandar Vucic and reiterated that it was best for the long-term energy future. Serbia should diversify energy supplies, because only then will it be able to get the best price for them.  

 "President Vucic's goal is to participate in another gas pipeline with Balkan partners in order to have access to sources outside Russia. Unfortunately, we see that Russia is using access to energy for political purposes, and Serbia should not be held hostage to just one energy source. This is a wise policy and President Vucic understands this well, "he said.

Godfrey said bilateral security co-operation between Serbia and the United States was top-notch and that Washington was not blaming Belgrade for the latest arms deal from Russia.

 "We acknowledge that Serbia has chosen military neutrality. If Serbia wants to be a partner with Russia, we accept that as a decision of Serbia, but we also want it to be a partner of the United States. I can confirm that our bilateral security cooperation is at the highest level. "

He recalled that Serbia also procures weapons and equipment from France, the United States and other countries.

Godfrey said the United States did not see Serbia as a threat, but wondered how neighboring countries perceived it, wondered what Belgrade's goals were and why it was spending money on weapons rather than infrastructure or energy.

 "This is the time to invest in infrastructure, and we are proud of Serbia's cooperation with the United States in this area, but we are also pleased that we recently had a joint military exercise of parachute units. "But I think the priority is for Serbia to be a strong economic partner of its neighbors," Godfrey said.

Russia's return to the G-7 is impossible in the near future


 Russia's return to the G-7 is impossible in the near future. This was emphasized by the new Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany Analena Burbock before the DPA agency.

"It is currently impossible to predict when Russia will be able to return to the G-7, and the current escalation in relations does not make the situation any easier," Burbock told the DPA.

She also called "very painful" Russia's decision to "exclude itself from the group" over Crimea's accession to the country.

 The G7 is a group of economically developed countries that includes Britain, Germany, Italy, Canada, the United States, France and Japan. The main goals are to find solutions to global political and social problems. It existed in a format of seven countries in the period 1976-1997. After the annexation of Crimea by Russia, it became known as the Group of Eight. In March 2014, as a result of the events in Ukraine and the ensuing crisis in relations between the Russian Federation and the West, Moscow was excluded from the format.

Serbia hopes to receive additional volumes of natural gas from Russia in January-February


 Serbia expects to receive additional volumes of natural gas from Russia in the period January-February 2022. This was announced on Wednesday by the head of state of our western neighbor Alexander Vucic at the annual closing press conference, TASS correspondent reports.

 "From January 1, gas will be delivered to us at a price of $ 270 per 1,000 cubic meters, but we pay for the extra amount of gas we take, and because of the development of industry, because of the development of Serbia as a whole, it is necessary. that we will receive more volume from our Russian partners for January and February 2022 than provided, so that we will have an incomparably lower price even for those additional volumes that were not agreed in advance and that we did not need in 2020 and 2021, "said the Serbian leader.

 Vucic emphasized that Serbia buys 2 to 5 million cubic meters of gas every day. "I hope we will finish this issue during the talks with [Russian President] Vladimir Putin and [Gazprom CEO] Alexei Miller. We are buying gas in the West, so we want additional volumes from Russia. We hope to get them at low prices. "

On November 25th, as a result of talks between Putin and Vucic in Sochi, Russia kept the price of gas for Serbia at $ 270 for six winter months, after which Belgrade will receive favorable terms from Moscow under a long-term contract. According to the Serbian leader, these conditions are exceptional.

Dendias' visit to Austria has been postponed due to the spread of Omicron


 The planned visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Greece Nikos Dendias to Austria has been postponed due to the situation with the spread of the new strain of the coronavirus - "Omicron", the electronic edition of the Athens daily Kathimerini reports.

Dendias had a telephone conversation with his Austrian counterpart Alexander Schalenberg, during which the two agreed to postpone the planned visit of the Greek Foreign Minister to Vienna for the New Year due to the continued spread of the Omicron option. Diplomatic sources stress that the visit will take place as soon as conditions allow, including in January if possible.

 The rest of the busy upcoming schedule of the Foreign Minister remains unchanged, the editorial board emphasizes. It includes the reception of Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud and visits to Nigeria and Angola.

The telephone conversation between Putin and Biden will take place shortly before midnight


 The telephone conversation between the leaders of the USA and Russia Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin is scheduled for 23:30 Bulgarian time, it is clear from the schedule of the American president, distributed by the White House, TACC reports.

"President [Biden] will hold a telephone conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin to discuss a number of topics, including the upcoming diplomatic cooperation with the Russian Federation," the document said. It is emphasized that the conversation will be held behind closed doors for the press.

 On Wednesday, White House National Security Council (SNB) spokeswoman Emily Horn said Biden expected to hold a telephone conversation with Putin on Thursday and intended to discuss a number of topics, including upcoming diplomatic contacts with the Russian Federation. The White House leader wants to hold talks with Putin, "because he believes that nothing can replace direct dialogue between leaders with regard to Russia," Horn said.

Climate issues will be at the heart of Germany's G7 presidency


 Climate policy will be central during Germany's forthcoming G7 presidency, and will also be an integral part of Berlin's foreign policy. This was emphasized by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the country Analena Burbock before the DPA agency.

 "The climate crisis is also exacerbating conflicts in different parts of the world. "Reducing global temperatures is a contribution to international security," Burbock said. She added that one of the main messages of the German G7 presidency was: "Act before it's too late". It is with this slogan that she will address the foreign ministers of the countries of the form and focus on the promising multilateralism and sustainability of democracies.

 In addition, Burbock plans to invite as guests to the G7 summit those countries that not only want to invest in the future, but also advocate for economic development based on shared values ​​such as freedom and the rule of law. As Germany organizes two G-7 foreign ministers' meetings, it is considering "inviting African countries to one meeting and dedicating another, for example, to the Pacific".

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

From January 1st, the minimum wage in Montenegro will be 450 euros


Montenegro's parliament has passed a set of laws allowing the country's minimum wage to be increased from 250 to 450 euros as of January 1st, according to macedonia's Lokalno online publication.

The changes provide for the abolition of health contributions. In addition, a non-taxable part of income for salaries up to EUR 700 is introduced, as well as an increase in the tax rate on salaries over EUR 1,000 from 9 to 15%.

 Part of the opposition also voted for the laws, which were passed by 50 votes, although the government has a total of 41 members in parliament.

The changes to the set of laws are part of a program called Europe Now, which has been sharply criticized by the opposition, some experts and part of the ruling majority.

An earthquake measuring 5.4 on the Richter scale was registered on the island of Crete


 An earthquake measuring 5.4 on the Richter scale was registered on the Greek island of Crete at 18:47 local time (coincides with Bulgarian time), according to the official website of the European Mediterranean Seismological Center (EMSC).

The quake's epicenter was 86km south of the island's main administrative center, Heraklion, and 58km southeast of Moyres.

No casualties, injuries or property damage have been reported so far.

Biden is scheduled for a telephone conversation with Putin on December 30


 US President Joe Biden plans to hold a telephone conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday, December 30, CNN reported, citing White House National Security Council spokeswoman Emily Horn.

Biden wants to hold talks with Putin, "because he believes that nothing can replace direct dialogue between leaders with regard to Russia," Horn said.

The White House has confirmed that Biden is expected to have a telephone conversation with Putin on Thursday.

The head of state of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin will hold a telephone conversation with his American counterpart Joe Biden on Thursday night. This was confirmed to TASS by Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov.

"Indeed, a telephone conversation between Putin and the president of the United States is scheduled for late tomorrow night," Peskov explained.

China has deployed robotic weapons on its border with India


 China has deployed robotic weapons in Tibet on the border with India, according to the British newspaper Daily Mail.

Authorities in Beijing have decided to deploy robotic warheads near the border with India to support military personnel experiencing difficulties due to thin air and low temperatures in the Himalayas.

China's People's Liberation Army has sent 88 Sharp Claw unmanned mobile machine guns and about 120 unmanned Mule-200 vehicles to the Himalayas, which can also carry weapons if needed.

 In May 2020, there was a clash in the mountainous region of Ladakh on the border of the two countries, as a result of which there were casualties on both sides. India and China have deployed heavy artillery, tanks and planes in the area. After a series of talks at the military and diplomatic levels, Beijing and New Delhi began withdrawing troops from the border line in February, which has not yet been completed.

Miller announced the full readiness of Nord Stream 2 for operation


 The Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline is fully operational. This was announced by the executive director of the Russian energy giant Gazprom Alexei Miller during a meeting with the head of state of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, Vedomosti newspaper writes.

"Today, at 12:58 Moscow time, Gazprom completed the filling of the second branch of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline with natural gas. And now both the first and the second line of the pipeline are completely ready for operation ", Miller assured on the air of the TV channel" Russia 24 ".

 According to Putin, the start of gas supplies on this route will affect the prices of natural gas in Europe.

"Now, of course, it all depends on our partners, consumers in Europe, in the Federal Republic of Germany. "As soon as they decide to start work, large volumes of Russian gas will immediately flow to Europe," Putin said.

 On 16 November, the German Federal Network Agency announced the suspension of the certification of the Nord Stream 2 AG pipeline operator. Explaining his decision, the regulator referred to German law, according to which the operator can be certified only when it is "organized in legal form in accordance with German law". Official Berlin clarified that while Nord Stream 2 AG is headquartered in Zug, Switzerland, therefore, in order to operate the part of the pipeline located on German territory, the operator must set up a subsidiary in the country.

US to negotiate with Russia despite pledge not to exclude European allies from European security talks


 Representatives of the United States and Russia will meet for a bilateral "strategic security dialogue" in January, just before several broader meetings involving European allies seeking to prevent a wider war between Russia and Ukraine as the Kremlin urges a halt. of NATO expansion, writes Washington Examiner.

 "We were trying to unite the alliance in two directions: restraint and diplomacy," State Department spokesman Ned Price said on Tuesday. "We are united, as a NATO alliance, on the consequences that Russia will face if it invades Ukraine. But we are also united in our readiness to engage in principled diplomacy with Russia. "

 This January 10 meeting could herald easing of geopolitical pressure accumulated in recent months as Russian forces gather around Ukraine's borders. But it also puts European officials in a position to expect up-to-date information on the outcome of a meeting that could affect their security - albeit one that will be followed by the convening of the NATO-Russia Council on 12 January and the Organization's Assembly on 13 January. for security and cooperation in Europe.

"Europeans will be [at the meeting] on January 12 ... but the US-Russia meeting is still astonishing," said a European official.

 President Joe Biden's team has vowed to refuse to discuss "European security without Europeans in the room", as a senior administration official said on 17 December, and the format of the talks is symbolic for all parties.

"The Russians are not interested in the essence of the meeting (unless the West makes unthinkable peace)," the European official said. "Their main goal is to hold a bilateral meeting with the United States on European security and to escalate the Ukrainian issue to such a level that the West will slow down Ukraine's integration process."

Price has tried to allay any concerns about the issue, despite the forthcoming bilateral discussion.

 "The principle is inviolable - nothing for them, without them," he told reporters during a telephone briefing at the State Department. "Of course, this is a channel that has existed for some time. It is a bilateral channel with the Russian Federation to discuss issues of strategic stability - issues that are of great importance to the United States, but also of great importance to our NATO allies. So, in the course of the strategic stability negotiations, we have always fully and thoroughly informed our allies after the fact, in order to clarify what exactly we are striving to achieve. "

 Two senior Russian officials have been quick to describe the "bilateral Russian-American consultations" as a step in the negotiation process between former Cold War rivals.

"Today we are focusing our efforts on achieving maximum efficiency in defending this political line, defending our interests and rejecting unilateral concessions that are not rooted in the balance of interests," Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Tuesday. "This is the spirit that guides us as we prepare for negotiations, especially with the United States."

 Price stressed that subsequent NATO-OSCE meetings would demonstrate "that the United States is united with our NATO allies, our Ukrainian partners, and our wider European allies and partners." And he described the January 10 dialogue as a simple exercise in preparation for these talks.

"Our task in all this is to identify where there can be some potential for dialogue and discussion and some areas that deserve this discussion - again with our allies and partners," he said.

Turkey is focusing on gas production in the Black Sea


 Turkish Energy and Natural Resources Minister Fatih Donmez said Ankara should focus on producing its own natural gas, the Russian newspaper Expert reported. According to him, this will reduce the impact of fluctuations in world energy prices. At the same time, he noted that the natural gas in the Black Sea is of high quality.

"If we had oil, natural gas and coal, we would not be facing speculative and irrational prices now," Donmez told reporters in Istanbul.

 The minister noted that global energy investment had slowed during the pandemic, and when there was a rapid recovery, there was a shortage of supplies, adding that natural gas reserves at the Sakarya gas field in the Black Sea were 540 billion cubic meters.

 "We want to link this (gas production) to our (energy) system in the first quarter of 2023," Donmez said. "In the first year, about 3-4 billion cubic meters (gas) will be produced. We will reach the maximum level of 15-20 billion cubic meters in 2026. This will cover the natural gas needs of all residential buildings in Turkey for about 25 years. As it receives its own gas, the share of expensive gas (in Turkey's energy balance) will decrease.

Donmez also clarified that Black Sea natural gas is the so-called "sweet" gas and the process of separating it will probably not be expensive.

 Turkey's total electricity bill is expected to reach $ 55 billion this year, compared to a 10-year average of $ 45 billion. "I don't think (the bill) will fall next year," the minister said, noting the sharp rise in natural gas prices, especially in Europe.

In recent years, Turkey has imported about 45 billion cubic meters of natural gas a year, costing the country about $ 12 billion. Russia, Azerbaijan and Iran are supplying gas to Turkey via pipelines. At the same time, Qatar, Nigeria, Algeria and the United States meet almost a third of the country's gas needs through liquefied natural gas supplies.

 Turkey's total natural gas consumption is expected to reach 60 billion cubic meters this year.

Russia's S-500 has shot down a hypersonic target in the Arctic


 An informed source of RIA Novosti reports that the next tests of the S-500 anti-aircraft missile system have been conducted recently.

"Recently, another test of the S-500 anti-aircraft missile systems took place in the Arctic. The long-range missile of the system was fired at a hypersonic target, the target was successfully hit. Tests of the S-500 continue, "the interlocutor told RIA Novosti.

At the same time, no tests of the S-550 are planned in the near future, as "its prototypes have not yet been created and development is underway."

 Earlier, a source close to the Ministry of Defense said that the S-550 air defense system had successfully passed state tests and was on combat duty.

Earlier, it became known about the ability of the C-550 to bring down US orbital shuttles.



Fears are growing that Russia may use gas supplies as a weapon

   The British authorities fear that the imposition of severe economic sanctions against Russia will provoke Moscow to retaliate, which will...