Friday, December 31, 2021

This hot drink reduces the risk of hypertension


 High blood pressure is a harbinger of serious problems and significantly increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. Life-threatening complications occur when the pressure in the vessels reaches a certain threshold and there is a risk of blood clots forming or rupturing these vessels. Fortunately, some drinks are able to relax the smooth muscles that line the walls of blood vessels, allowing more blood to flow through them. These drinks significantly reduce the risk of developing hypertension in the future, writes the British newspaper Daily Express.

 The UK's National Institute of Excellence in Health and Care reports that high blood pressure is considered to be a pressure above 135/85 millimeters of mercury. It is after this threshold that health problems usually arise.

At this stage, high blood pressure is usually treated with special drugs, but many plants also help to deal with this condition.

One study found that Taiwanese people who regularly drank oolong tea - at least 120 grams a day - had a significantly reduced risk of developing hypertension.

 In fact, researchers have found that drinking even half a cup of green tea or oolong tea a day can reduce the risk of hypertension by up to 50%.

In addition, those who drink more than two cups of green tea a day have a 65% reduction in the risk of developing the disease.

Yi-Chin, a researcher at the Chen Kun National University Medical College in Taiwan, and his colleagues write, "The link between drinking tea and lowering blood pressure has been debated in public health in China for decades."

The benefits of green tea are well known to all, but its long-term effects on the body remain somewhat of a mystery.

 The study, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, was conducted using data from 1,507 Chinese men and women living in Taiwan who have no history of hypertension.

The researchers focused mainly on those participants who regularly consume green tea or oolong, both of which are made from the same plant.

Researchers have noticed that oolong tea drinkers are mostly younger men with a higher level of education and a higher socio-economic status than those who do not like tea.

Moreover, scientists have noticed that the health benefits of drinking green tea are directly related to the amount of tea you drink regularly.

 "People who drink green tea only occasionally have a higher risk of developing hypertension than those who drink it regularly. And we found a direct link between risk reduction and the amount of green tea a person drinks per day, the researchers said.

Because oolong tea is a partially fermented tea, it is rich in flavonoids, including catechin, which is a unique antioxidant.

Catechin is also found in other foods, including fruits, vegetables, chocolate, wine and tea.

The anti-inflammatory properties of oolong tea are primarily due to the presence of catechins in its composition, but this drink also contains theaflavins and theasine insins.

 It is also worth noting that another key ingredient in green tea is caffeine, which can significantly raise blood pressure, so this drink should be consumed in moderation.

While caffeine can increase mental alertness, it can also cause a number of serious problems, including a faster heart rate.

Green tea and oolong can not only lower blood pressure, but also help fight high cholesterol.

Studies show that people who consume at least 300 milliliters of oolong per week significantly reduce the risk of high levels of total cholesterol in the blood.

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