Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Vladimir Putin flies to the aid of the Beijing Olympics


 "Vladimir Putin is flying to help the Beijing Olympics," Le Figaro wrote in an article entitled "The Chinese Tiger Shows His Nails, But Has Not Dare To Use Them." The Russian president announced plans to fly to the Games in February, while Joe Biden, in contrast, organized a diplomatic boycott of this "showcase of President Xi Jinping's ambitions." Britain, Australia, Canada and Lithuania followed in Washington's footsteps.

 Putin will be the first foreign leader to meet with him in person since the pandemic. The Chinese leader "barricaded" himself behind the Great Wall of China and one by one ignored the opportunity to meet with Western leaders. While with Putin they will "tighten the ranks in the new Cold War against the West", which together with the pandemic threatens to ruin the Olympics. According to the author of the article, this shows rapprochement between Moscow and Beijing in order to overcome the strategy for their environment, which the White House is implementing.

 The year of the tiger will be very important for China's political future, the newspaper writes. The congress of the Chinese Communist Party is scheduled for the autumn, which will decide which way to take the country in the next ten years. At the same time, the geopolitical and economic context remains tense.

Although Xi is seen as the epitome of Marxism in the 21st century, Beijing's nervousness is fueled by the energy crisis, financial risks and Omicron, which is undermining global economic growth. A senior party official noted that the biggest challenge for China in 2022 remains economic growth, which could fall to 5%.

 Rising tensions with the United States threaten to exacerbate the problems of the world's "largest factory," which depends on exports and some Western technology. In addition, relations with Europe, a key trading partner, are deteriorating.

 He himself has shown contempt for the United States in the eyes of a population that has been "completely washed away" by propaganda. But China's neighbors are restless. As China has taken on an even more nationalistic spirit, the country's international image has deteriorated significantly since the beginning of the pandemic. This atmosphere also leaves its mark on the Olympics, where, as experts suggest, the largest observation in history will be organized so that no one can spoil the games with protests.

 Beijing notes the success of its authoritarian system in tackling the pandemic compared to democracies. "The country's leaders took advantage of the pandemic to build a Chinese fortress, reorienting national development, accelerating the decline in some sectors. China fears isolation, but has created the conditions for it, "the author was quoted as saying by one of the experts.

He will continue to follow this path of nationalism, but is trying to control hostilities with the United States to avoid unwanted escalation. The party congress will be a stabilizing factor, experts say. He has already made it a priority to return to Taiwan peacefully.

 Senior officials in China and the United States are expected to return to talks earlier this year. China's goal is to ensure stability, but there is little hope for trade progress, for example, as the countries remain distrustful.

"With Russia's support, keep your head high in front of America and conquer the countries of the South that need infrastructure and vaccines. This is the long-term strategy of Xi in the perspective until 2030, while his rival Biden depends on the elections, which will be held in the middle of his term next fall, "writes Le Figaro.

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