Monday, December 20, 2021

How long will Brussels be silent about the "fascist outbursts of Bulgaria"?


 With another veto by Bulgaria for the Republic of  Macedonia and which continues to block the start of negotiations for Skopje's accession to the European Union, and senior Bulgarian officials continued and intensified hate speech and nationalist statements with open territorial claims to Macedonia, writes Mitko Jovanovski on the pages of the Skopje newspaper "Nova Makedonija" in a material presented without editorial intervention.

 The most extreme in expressing anti-Macedonian views is Bulgarian MEP Angel Djambazki, who said that "Macedonia is Bulgaria, the second Bulgarian state in the Balkans", in his reaction to the new Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov, after his statements on a new approach to relations with Macedonia. . Negative attitudes towards the existence of the Macedonian state and people are a continuum in Bulgarian foreign policy, but it is worrying that the recent attacks do not meet with any condemnation, even from the so-called progressive government of the newly elected Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov, nor of the European Union, of which Bulgaria is a member.

 Moreover, all this is happening at the beginning of the new term of the new Bulgarian government and at the same time when Bulgarian President Rumen Radev as a "broken glass" distorts the thesis and repeats the alleged existence of hate speech on the Macedonian side! There was no sharp reaction and condemnation from the Macedonian authorities and institutions for the latest nationalist outburst of the Bulgarian MEP. But such contradictory, anti-European and even fascist ones of Bulgarian politicians have abounded in the past. Earlier, Karakachanov threatened to send a military regiment to Macedonia, so there were allegations from Bulgarian politicians that Ohrid is a Bulgarian city, etc. There is no end to the Bulgarian nebulae, fabrications, extortions and threats against Macedonia, the only question is why Europe still tolerates this. Contrary to the Union's inertia, the fair international community pointed the finger at Bulgaria, as exemplified by articles in the influential German newspaper Frankfurter Allmein Zeitung, in which Bulgaria was sharply criticized for its anti-European and anti-civilization policies toward Macedonia.

Zoran Ivanov, a journalist and political analyst, believes the latest announcements from Bulgaria will not ease relations between the two countries in the next six-month negotiation period, in which, of course, the Macedonia is in an unfavorable non-integration situation.

 "He, Djambazki, does not deserve to be mentioned, let alone commented on. It is also marginal in the European Parliament. Karakachanov's Harlequin. In the current circumstances, two points weigh: the statement by Bulgarian President Radev in Brussels that his European counterparts have finally understood the issue of the dispute with Macedonia, and the second, Prime Minister Petkov's six-month plan to resolve the dispute. None of these statements will alleviate relations between the two countries, in which, of course, our country is in an unfavorable non-integration situation. On the contrary. First, Radev bluffed that he was "understood" after imposing the topic of history on Europe. This is a very slippery slope for xenophobic Bulgarian politics for a decade and even for Bulgarian society, where human rights are at the lowest possible European level and this is well known to Europeans and wherever, it will become their open internal problem, "he said. Ivanov, who is well acquainted with the political situation in Bulgaria.

 According to Zoran Ivanov, this behavior of Bulgaria and the European Union is related to "Prime Minister Petkov's plan with proposals for new thematic interstate commissions and an alarming six-month deadline, which he imposes, which smells like a classic production."

 "First, there is already a commission. Secondly, the new commissions have an uncertain epilogue and even more uncertain deadlines for some agreements. And third, if we speculate a little, the six-month French presidency of the EU will begin on 1 January. According to Petkov, the time of the French mandate should end and until then nothing will be decided between Bulgaria and North Macedonia. Simply put, let them deceive us again and let France take extra care of us. The suspicions are not from now, but from a long time ago that Bulgaria is not alone with us in this game of the EU and that it has the heartfelt support not of some secret, but of increasingly visible underground European diplomacy. Especially from some traditionally involved powerful wolves in the Balkans that are still shaking the Union. Therefore, if during the French presidency our country does not start negotiations with the Union in the most practical way and according to all established procedures, the entrenched France will fully show its current but also historical character in relation to Macedonia and the Macedonians. And for the rest, it was obvious that in the EU there are only audiences, "Ivanov said.

 Unlike the Macedonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which delays or reacts belatedly to hate speech and threats from Bulgarian politicians, official Sofia always speaks out, even for the most banal things or statements of Skopje politicians, and then used in front of European leaders. , as an "argument" for the alleged "systematic violation of the rights of citizens of Bulgarian origin living in Macedonia."

 In this regard, not only a democratic Europe, but also Macedonian diplomacy and political leaders must wake up and speak clearly and loudly and condemn all these brutal outbursts of Bulgarian politicians, which are not only illegal but also anti-European and anti-civilization.

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