Monday, December 20, 2021

Why is the United States a "second Poland"?


 Ukraine's foreign policy was based on the idea of ​​the country becoming Poland's second in the United States, ie on the desire to "join" the group of strategic countries, writes the Ukrainian newspaper "Glavred" in a material presented without editorial intervention.

Strategic countries, proxy countries and implant territories. These are not just baskets of countries, but also a vector of "anti-evolution" of a country, such as Ukraine. And according to the above baskets, the countries that are not included in the elite class of the "first" will be divided.

 The marker of division will be a very specific concept of democracy, such as the "Democracy Summit" held in Washington: 110 out of 197 countries were invited.

A number of geopolitically active and potential threats have now emerged for the United States. The emerging "synocentric world" must be classified as active: China, North Korea, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Ethiopia and a number of other African countries.

 And also "Greater Russia" (this format is now popularized in Moscow instead of the unfeasible idea of ​​a new USSR): the Russian Federation, Belarus, Armenia, Syria, Tajikistan, South Ossetia, Abkhazia, Transnistria and the so-called LDPR (unrecognized "republics" in Donabas - editor's note).

Active threats in the form of the two aforementioned geopolitical substrates have been identified by Washington as key external challenges for America.

 But there are two other blocs that are perceived by the United States not as enemies but as unreliable allies. This is the "Arab world" represented by Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia. And the Turkic Union: Turkey, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. Unreliable allies are the focus of attention, but not the goal of the active containment phase.

As far as "enemies" are concerned, the three groups of countries mentioned at the beginning of the text, but with different functionalities, will be at the forefront of the struggle for democracy. Strategic countries - their task is to engage in the phase of maximum aggravation (which, according to Washington's idea, should not happen).

 As for China, these are Japan, South Korea, Thailand, the Philippines, Israel (in the context of Iran) and a key ally - India, which has yet to be convinced of this role by promising to create an analogue of the Sino-US model there. economic interaction from the 80s and 90s of the last century). As for the Russian Federation, these are Poland, the Baltic countries and Scandinavia.

Proxy countries: their task is to "play on geopolitical nerves".

For China and its sinocentrism, this is Taiwan, for the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova (the "aggressive trio"). Implant states / territories are potential "mines" that form in the body of hostile substrates.

 In China - Hong Kong, Tibet, the Uighurs, attempts at "Buddhist Maidans" in Myanmar. In Ethiopia (Tigray province), separatism "suddenly" emerged. In the Russian Federation - Belarus, North Caucasus.

Unreliable allies in the form of the Turkic Union and the Arab world are expected to be "spectators": for example, Iraq, which is caught in a triangle of problems (Shiites, ISIS, Kurds).

Under certain scenarios, Iraq could create problems for "Greater Russia" in Syria and the monarchical "Arab world" in the Persian Gulf, and the Turkic Union in Turkey, and sinocentrism in Iran.

The funny thing is that democracy has nothing to do with it. And the word at all ..

 The United States is inviting Pakistan to a summit with a very conditional form of democratic governance, with the sole purpose of tearing it away from China.

The United States has signed a $ 500 million defense deal with the Saudis, although the journalist is dismembered at the country's embassy.

Hungary does not attend the summit, but Poland does (with the same set of claims on the form of government and violations of the rules of the "new anthropology").

The Philippines, where extrajudicial executions are practiced, has been invited, but Turkey has not. But DR Congo, Angola are invited.

 "Bolivarian Latin America is completely ignored: Cuba (understandable), Bolivia (incomprehensible), Nicaragua (re-election of Ortega), Venezuela (understandable), Honduras (incomprehensible at all).

In fact, the reasons are well known: "Bolivarian" Latin America simply allowed itself to pursue an independent policy, unlike Mexico and Colombia.

And they are not as big as Brazil, but they should not be ignored.

And now the conclusion about Ukraine.

The whole foreign policy of the country was based on the idea of ​​becoming the "second Poland" for the United States, that is, on the desire to join the group of strategic countries.

 But the United States does not need a second Poland, they already have a "first".

The authorities in Kiev simply did not notice that in previous years Ukraine was an implant country in the post-Soviet space.

She is now assigned the role of proxy party.

Ukraine, like a tortoise without a shell, crawled on a busy highway and would crawl in the grass, but high curbs interfere ...

This is a very dangerous role - if a geopolitical conflict flares up, countries like this disappear in the play's opening credentials, such as Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet of Shakespeare.

As you know, while dying, Mercutio managed to whisper to the representatives of two hostile houses, in the battle in which he hotly intervened: "the plague in both your houses" ...

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