Sunday, December 26, 2021

Russia tightens restrictions on smokers


 In 2022, laws on smoking restrictions in Russia will be tightened. This was stated on December 26 by the lawyer of the European Legal Service Pavel Koritov, quoted by the Russian newspaper "Izvestia".

According to him, next year fines of up to three thousand rubles (35 euro) for smoking will begin to be introduced in sites and businesses. In addition, liability for a fire caused by a smoker will be aggravated.

 "As of this year, smoking under many sites is subject to liability under Art. 20.4 of the Administrative Code ("Violation of fire safety requirements"). The fine for citizens is from two thousand to three thousand rubles, and in case of fire due to such a violation - up to five thousand rubles (59 euro), "said Koritov.

The lawyer also said that the government is considering measures to ban the sale of tobacco to persons born in 2015 and later, even after reaching the age of majority. Such a measure is already being discussed in New Zealand

In addition, from 2022 cigarettes will become more expensive, the expert concluded.

 "Since this year, the price of cigarettes has increased by 20%, and in 2022 all participants in the circulation of nicotine-containing products will have to submit data to the Honest Mark labeling system only through an electronic document management operator (EDM) . , this year they can still do it themselves, "Koritov explained.

The expert recalled that the national project "Demography" aims to reduce the number of smokers in Russia to 10% by 2024.

He also said that the implementation of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, which had been signed by 180 countries, including Russia, had been combating smoking for almost a decade.

 On December 10, it became known that the State Duma deputy, head of the Sober Russia project, Sultan Khamzaev, proposed imposing a fine for smoking near pregnant women or minors. The MP asked the Minister of Health Mikhail Murashko to consider "the possibility of introducing a new provision in the draft of the future Administrative Code of Russia, providing for a fine of five thousand rubles for violating the ban."

In October, it was announced that Russian experts intended to set up a system to track those who smoke cigarettes and vapes in unauthorized places.

 As of January 1 this year, Russians were banned from smoking in hospitals, shops and warehouses, and then the requirements for equipping outdoor smoking areas came into force.

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