Friday, December 24, 2021

Why the West is in no hurry to help Ukraine


 In recent weeks, Ukrainian officials, including top officials, including the president, have been in constant talks with Western leaders, the European Union leader, and parliamentary faction leaders. Negotiations are conducted both online and live, face to face. At these talks, Ukrainian officials spoke about the most important thing for them, for their country and for the majority of its people - to prevent a new wave of Russian aggression, which could turn into an extremely large-scale, in fact full-scale war of all kinds. weapons, except perhaps with nuclear weapons (although Putin may use them because the level of mental pathology in the current Kremlin leadership, according to the author, is higher than in the days of Stalin and Brezhnev), writes the Ukrainian edition. "Den”in a material presented without editorial intervention.
 The Kremlin's ultimatum to the United States, which, among other things, introduces the term "states that were formerly part of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics" to be fully and definitively given under the Kremlin's influence, calls for a sharp reduction in military policy US activity and the refusal of the latter to help the victims of Russian aggression (in fact, even NATO members).
But Russia does not assume, according to this document (the draft agreement on security guarantees between Russia and the United States), any additional obligations (virtually all its armed forces are already on national territory and all military outside it are "there is no such thing." which, by necessity, are easily disguised as some kind of "private military company" and which can ultimately be sacrificed).
The provocative, brazen, unbelievable behavior of "Kremlin security officials" under the control of both international law and the unwritten norms of interstate relations seems to provoke extremely sharp opposition from the West and, above all, from the United States. And this confrontation should in no way be limited to threats of a number of sanctions (only economic and diplomatic threats) following the attack on Ukraine. In addition, this attack should not be linked to the supply of defense (anti-tank, anti-aircraft, anti-ship) weapons to Ukraine. In fact, according to General Krivonos, Russian strike groups could reach Kiev in six hours. Well, if not six, then eight. Will they be able to transfer these weapons to us if Russia not only moves the columns of armored vehicles, but also "closes the sky" (and will certainly do so)? And will Ukrainian soldiers have time "out of nothing" to master modern weapons? Rhetorical questions, right?
 And in general: in the event of a large-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, both Belarus and Moldova (Transnistria) will be immediately involved in hostilities - this would mean a terrible catastrophe for the whole of Europe. There are four operating nuclear power plants in this area, including the largest in Europe, Zaporozhye, as well as the Kiev reactor of the Institute for Nuclear Research, and all this will fall into a military zone.

 Does the West really not know that the policy of pacifying aggressors has always had fatal consequences, including for pacifiers? Do they not understand that the lack of sufficient defensive weapons in Ukraine will only inspire Putin to go to war? And are they really unable to understand what they are risking without providing the Ukrainian military with sufficient funds to neutralize the Kremlin's predatory plans?

 Apparently, part of the Western elite has not really studied the lessons of history or does not understand the essence of Putin's policy. Another part is simply unable to act decisively, held captive by stillborn political dogmas (Afghanistan witnessed their fiasco, as did Syria a few years ago). However, there is another and significant part of the Western elite that adequately assesses Putinism and the threats it poses to the entire civilization, which insists on the need to protect Ukraine but is in no hurry to provide modern weapons to Ukrainian soldiers. Why is this complete absurdity happening?

 Perhaps deep corruption in Ukraine is a good (really good!) Reason why sane Western politicians are in no hurry to transfer modern weapons to Ukraine and provide other assistance - they are not sure if information about this will be immediately transferred to Moscow and and whether some of these weapons will not fall to the Russians. Furthermore, they do not seem to be sure whether the current leadership of Ukraine is ready and able to offer real resistance to a possible Russian invasion, they want to see whether Ukraine will defend itself, whether the government will capitulate. In these circles, according to the authors, there is no trust in our government, nor in the people who elected him, nor in the civil society, which tolerates all this and only grumbles dissatisfied. I'd like to be confused, but ...


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