Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Pedophilia returns under the guise of a "phenomenon of the modern age"

Calls for the rehabilitation of "those who are attracted to minors" are being heard in US universities, sociology professor Anne Hendershot warned in an article for The American Conservative. In a politically incorrect environment, these people are called pedophiles in the old-fashioned way and are considered dangerous. But it turns out that for years American "scientists" have been writing books claiming that childhood is a "social construct." That is why it does not need to be defended.
  For more than 50 years, representatives of the deviant subculture have unsuccessfully insisted that people learn to understand and accept those who are sexually attracted to children and adolescents. So does transgender sociologist Ellen Walker in her new book, The Long Dark Shadow: People Attracted by Minors. Their path to dignity. Walker is trying to destigmatize pedophilia. That is, to convince people that attracting an adult to a child is not deviant behavior. Walker was an assistant professor in sociology and criminal law at Old Dominion University, but last week Walker was sent on administrative leave.

                                    Boylover Association
  It all began in the 1970s with the emergence of the North American Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), whose attempts to join the LGBTI community were consistently rejected. However, a group justifying pedophilia was allowed to participate in the annual gay parades (which featured banners promoting love between a man and a boy). But a lesbian organization boycotted the event in New York in 1980 because the organizing committee was dominated by NAMBLA members.
  Without any embarrassment, representatives of this subculture appealed to the scientific community and supporters of the philosophy of postmodernism for support and assistance in reassessing pedophilia. It is no coincidence that Ms. Elin Walker is a sociologist, and the University of California Press publishes her book. Like his predecessors, the transgender Walker in his book calls on the world to abandon the humiliating label "pedophile" and replace it with a neutral one "attracted to minors." Such a name seems to prompt us to admit that the above-mentioned people are left at the mercy of an impulse that is beyond their control.Walker does not consider pedophiles to be criminals and encourages us to understand those who experience this type of sexual attraction.

                                      How it all started

As I write in my book The Politics of Deviance, the movement to recognize pedophilia as a harmless "intergenerational intercourse" originated among students in the 1990s. Based on the concepts of the philosophy of postmodernism, his supporters called for a rethinking of the term "childhood". After all, childhood, as these "researchers" claim, is not a biological fact, but rather a social construct - a historically created fruit of social fantasies.
  One of the most cited sources in this field is the book "Intimacy between generations of men. Historical, Socio-Psychological and Legal Perspectives ”(Routledge Academic Publishing House). This is a collection of works by scientists, mostly European, presenting frankly murderous arguments about love between adults and minors. Ken Plummer, one of the authors, writes that "we need to start distinguishing between childhood and innocence and stop relying only on the chronological age of the child." It turns out that "a seven-year-old child can create a complex system of beliefs and principles of a sexual nature that will baffle many adults."
   Plummer, drawing on the theoretical work of social historians, Foucault's followers and construction sociologists, encouraged humanity: he would develop a "fruitful new approach to sexuality, including children." Within this perspective, the concepts of linear sexual development and real childhood are missing, there is only a definition that came from outside. Condemning the "essentialist views of sexuality", the authors of the works presented in the book seek to remove the relevant barriers to pedophiles. These barriers, they say, are imposed by the false notion of "childhood." This allows pedophiles a lot: they are turning from perverts into postmodernists.

In 1990, the Journal of Homosexuality published a double special issue on sex between adults and children. The title of the special issue was "Male Intimacy". Former president of the New York Alliance of Gay Activists and one of the founders of NAMBLA, David Thorstad, said that "in the modern world, love for boys is everywhere." The movement continues to exist. It is true that it is still a secret, as in the early 2000s it was at the center of a high-profile trial for causing the death of a minor as a result of illegal activities.The case alleges that NAMBLA member Charles Janes was involved in the torture, rape and murder of a 10-year-old Boston boy.

Not so long ago, the American Psychological Association helped postmodern pedophiles with the definition of their deviation. In 1998, the organization published an article in a scientific journal on the "harmlessness" of sex with minors. NAMBLA quickly published "good news" on its website.

        A counterattack by the defenders of childhood
  For a while, our culture not only allowed sex between a man and a boy, but actually allowed the deviant segment of the gay community to approve of it. But those days are over. Today, children are still under protection: this is the only criticism of Walker's book with his subsequent removal from teaching.

Many find sex between a woman and a girl less scandalous. Just remember the popularity of "Vaginal Monologues", which describes the seduction of a 13-year-old girl by an elderly woman attracted to teenage girls.
  In some American and foreign colleges there are entire departments dedicated to the destigmatization of pedophilia. Professor Ken Plummer has taught sociology at the British University of Essex for more than 30 years. Professor Walker, who received his doctorate in liberal arts from the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, has published his doctoral dissertation, entitled "Understanding Sustainability Strategies among Juvenile Attractors". In it, Walker argued that such people should be allowed to watch child pornography in order to reduce the number of crimes against minors. 
  For now, however, viewing, buying, producing and distributing child pornography remains a crime, as children are sexually exploited in the process of creating these videos. But, as we have seen, the danger of deviating from this approach is growing. And this is happening because the idea that deviant sexual behavior towards children is very dangerous is blurred in the public consciousness. Little by little, it is the "new approach" that we have described that is beginning to be reflected in the laws and puts society on the path of "normalizing" pedophiles.

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