Wednesday, January 19, 2022

14 new vice-presidents of the European Parliament were elected on Tuesday

 On Tuesday, Parliament elected 14 vice-presidents for the remaining two and a half years of the current legislative term, the EP's press office said.

Nine vice-presidents were elected in the first round, three in the second and two in the third round.

New Vice-Presidents by election (by absolute majority)

1. Otmar Karas (EPP, Austria) - 536

2. Pina Picherno (S&D, Italy) - 527

3. Pedro Silva Pereira (S&D, Portugal) - 517

4. Eva Kopacz (EPP, Poland) - 467

5. Eva Kaili (S&D, Greece) - 454

6. Evelyn Regner (S&D, Austria) - 434

7. Rainer Wieland (EPP, Germany) - 432

8. Katharina Barley (S&D, Germany) - 426

9. Dita Haranzova (Renew, Czech Republic) - 406

 Role of Vice-Presidents

The fourteen Vice-Presidents and the five Quaestors, together with the President, make up the Bureau of Parliament. The Bureau lays down the rules for the smooth functioning of Parliament. Among other responsibilities, it prepares Parliament's preliminary draft budget and takes decisions on administrative, staffing and organizational matters.

In addition to their functions in the Bureau, the Vice-Presidents may replace the President, including in the conduct of plenary debates, and present Parliament to ceremonies or events where necessary.

 When electing members of the Bureau, the political groups shall endeavor to ensure that the Vice-Presidents and Quaestors reflect to a large extent the numerical strength of the groups and taking into account the results of the vote in the election of the President.

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