Thursday, January 20, 2022

Sofia continues to deny the existence of Macedonians in Bulgaria


 Denying the existence of Macedonians as a minority in Bulgaria is in fact denying the existence of Macedonians in the Republic of Macedonia and pressure to recognize "Bulgarian roots", wrote commentator Yasminka Pavlovska in the opposition newspaper Nova Makedonija.

 According to her, the Bulgarian logic is that there are no Macedonians in Bulgaria, because the Macedonians in the Macefonia are in fact "deluded Bulgarians", and the Macedonian nation must "re-Bulgarianize". The "non-existence" of a separate nation in a country, according to Bulgarian logic, makes it a legitimate target for territorial claims, especially since they have risen to the level of historical and national fiction and frustration in Bulgaria. This is the whole point of the list of conditions in the so-called 5 + 1 plan, now supposedly reduced to 4 + 1. That is why Macedonia constantly insists on guarantees for the absence of territorial claims and public refusal of civil servants from the Macedonian minority.

 According to Pavlovska, “the uniqueness of the Macedonian national substrate is represented by Macedonians living in the Macefonia state, but also those in the neighborhood (although citizens of neighboring countries), as well as around the world. The right of each of them, wherever the Macedonian minority is, is equal to the whole national identity everywhere and always. "

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