Thursday, January 20, 2022

MEPs discussed the priorities of the French presidency with Emmanuel Macron


 MEPs discussed the priorities of the French presidency with Emmanuel Macron, the press center of the European Parliament said. On Wednesday, French President Emmanuel Macron outlined to MEPs the main goals and political strategy for the six-month French presidency of the Council of the EU

Speaking at the Strasbourg plenary debate, President Macron explained that the promises on which the EU was founded - democracy, progress and peace - were now in jeopardy, and called for a commitment to "breathe new life into them". He warned that the end of the rule of law was the beginning of authoritarianism, and stressed that the EU must use dialogue to bring back those who are "moving away" from democratic principles.

He assured MEPs that the French Presidency will give priority to legislative dossiers that improve the quality of employment, ensure decent pay, reduce the pay gap between men and women, empower platform workers, combat discrimination and ensure gender balance. the boards of directors of companies. He also proposed that the right to abortion be included in the European Charter of Fundamental Rights.

 President Macron also referred to the challenges in the field of climate, digital technology and security - areas in which progress should be made on draft laws in the first half of 2022.

In the field of defense, President Macron emphasized that Europe must be able to anticipate risks and ensure its own security. He stressed that we must be firm against interference and attempts to destabilize Europe, especially by Russia, and to punish effectively those who violate international rules.

 On behalf of the Commission, Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič emphasized the fact that European security was under threat: "We are ready to take action if necessary". He identified strategic partnerships with Africa, relations with the Western Balkans, and Europe's economic and technological sovereignty ("bringing technology back to Europe") as priorities for the coming months. With regard to the United Kingdom, he said the Commission would show goodwill, but Europe needed a partner to do the same.

 In reactions to President Macron's speech, most political group leaders welcomed France's priorities, but added additional goals, including ending unanimous votes in the Foreign Affairs Council to allow a decisive response, inter alia, to "behavior". of Russian President Vladimir Putin, tackling the gender pay gap and rethinking the Fiscal Compact. Several speakers called for progress on the rule of law in Hungary and Poland, and criticized the French government's support for including nuclear energy in proposals for the new environmental taxonomy.

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