Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Canada has sent special forces to Ukraine to hold back Moscow


 Amid growing tensions between NATO and Russia, Canadian special forces troops have been sent to Ukraine. This was reported by Global News, citing informed sources.

According to the channel's interlocutors, this is a small contingent of the Canadian Special Forces Regiment. Its deployment is part of NATO's efforts to "contain Russian aggression" in Ukraine and to assist the country's government. In addition, the unit is tasked with developing a plan to evacuate Ottawa diplomats in the event of a "full-scale invasion."

 Neither the government nor the Canadian military has officially confirmed the information available to Global News. They only said that special forces fighters were involved in "the broader support" that Ottawa provides to Kiev.

Special Operations Command spokesman Amber Biano told the channel that from 2020, Canadians share "instructor and leadership experience" with the military of Ukraine's armed forces. But Global News sources say the fighters sent to Ukraine in early January are not training.

 Diplomatic talks between the United States, the EU and Moscow ended last week without a clear path to resolving the situation around Ukraine. Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said the talks had "reached a dead end", the TV channel recalled.

The day before, Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Jolie arrived in Kiev for a week-long visit to confirm Ottawa's support. "The accumulation of Russian troops and equipment in and around Ukraine threatens security throughout the region," the diplomat said.

 "These aggressive actions must be controlled. "Canada will work with its international partners to uphold international order and protect the human rights and dignity of Ukrainians," she added.

Ottawa has consistently supported Kiev since Putin "annexed" Crimea. Since January 2014, Canada has provided about $ 700 million in aid to Ukraine, including in the form of non-lethal military equipment and 200 servicemen, rotated every six months, to train Ukrainian troops, according to government figures.

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