Sunday, January 16, 2022

The president and prime minister of Serbia voted in a referendum to amend the constitution


 Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Prime Minister Ana Bernabic voted in a referendum Sunday to amend the country's constitution related to justice, TACC reports.

The referendum to change Serbia's constitution in the field of justice began on Sunday. Polling stations will close at 20:00 local time.

 The changes introduced in the referendum relate to justice, namely the election of judges and prosecutors. If the citizens support the changes in the constitution, then the judges will no longer be elected in the National Assembly (parliament), this will be done by the Supreme Judicial Council, consisting of 11 people - six judges elected by the country's panel of judges, four lawyers, elected by parliament, and the chairman of the Supreme Court.

The Minister of Justice, the Chairman of the Supreme Court of Cassation, the Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Justice will no longer be able to participate in the election of judges. The three-year probation period for judges is canceled.

 Prosecutors, if the amendment is passed, will also be elected not by parliament on a government proposal, but by the Supreme Prosecutors' Council. It will consist of 11 people - five prosecutors, four members elected by parliament by a qualified majority (2/3 of all votes), as well as the Minister of Justice and the Prosecutor General. In addition, the post of Deputy Prosecutor is abolished.

The referendum is being held in response to EU demands that Belgrade reform justice. In return, Brussels promised "best assessments of Serbia's progress in the European integration process".

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