Monday, January 24, 2022

The United States has called for Kaliningrad to be "neutralized" in the event of war with Russia


 The Kaliningrad factor could be very important for Russia in the event of war with the West. This is what Sarah White, an analyst at the Lexington Institute, wrote in an article for the American publication 19Fortyfive, quoted by the Russian newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets.

According to her, Western countries must resort to a plan to neutralize the region in the event of a conflict. However, Kaliningrad is well armed. Iskander-M complexes are located there. There are also fighters in the region armed with cruise missiles. In addition, part of the Russian fleet is based in Kaliningrad. Geographically, the Kaliningrad region borders Poland and Lithuania.

 So in the event of war, it will be necessary to neutralize this region first. But it will not be easy for Poland and Lithuania to tackle this task alone, the analyst said.

According to her, other European countries urgently need to strengthen their air defenses and armaments. In particular, it is necessary to acquire American Patriot anti-aircraft systems, as well as M1 Abrams tanks and fifth-generation F-35 aircraft.

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