Friday, January 21, 2022

Skopje's new approach to Sofia will only benefit Bulgaria


 Former Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs of the Republic of Macedonia Nikola Dimitrov warned that Skopje's new approach to resolving issues with Bulgaria separately, instead of all at once, is likely to work, but in Bulgaria's favor. The two prime ministers, Dimitar Kovachevski and Kiril Petkov, boasted during a meeting in Skopje on Tuesday that they had resolved the issue with the Macedonian's short name, but Dimitrov said Bulgaria had not made any concessions.

"While I was inside, I supported the other approach - nothing has been agreed until all issues have been agreed - as my successor (Bojan Maricic) said publicly yesterday. But on the second day without me, the approach and the essence changed into "salami tactics". They say that now with the new approach we have results immediately - Sofia "agreed" to use the short name, something that in itself is not our problem, but theirs and theirs. In order to accept this unfounded request, we sent a note to the UN, which Sofia wanted for two years and did not receive, without making any concessions, "Dimitrov wrote on Facebook.

 Bojan Maricic, who replaced Dimitrov in the new government, accused it was symptomatic that both Dimitrov and former Bulgarian Foreign Minister Ekaterina Zaharieva had been criticized for resolving the short name problem.

"If you noticed, on the same day some of our critics, including Mr. Dimitrov, said that this was a wrong move that weakened our position, but at the same time, for example, former Bulgarian Foreign Minister Ekaterina Zaharieva said: This is a bad move, with which Sofia has fallen into the trap of Skopje. On the same day, there was a negative reaction from both sides of the people who were literally in the process until yesterday, "Maricic said.

 According to him, the note that Skopje sent to the UN that it has no territorial claims to Bulgaria is not the last, but the first trump card of the Macedonia and cannot harm.

"We are actually closing one of the three blockades we have. One blockade was for the short name, the second was for the language, and the third was for the start of negotiations. So we have solved one, all the other problems, which does not mean that we will divide them one by one, we must solve them as a whole and at the end of this process to have a solution to all open issues. It was a gesture of goodwill and I think that by closing an issue no one loses, on the contrary, "Maricic explaine.

 For now, Dimitrov does not say specifically what damage was done with the note to the UN, but predicts that with this new approach of the Macedonian government, the decision will be to the detriment of Skopje.

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