Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Lavrov urges Blinken not to spread speculation about "Russian aggression"

 Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has called on US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken not to repeat speculation about an alleged impending "Russian aggression" in Ukraine, but to force Kiev to implement the Minsk agreements. This was announced on Tuesday, January 18, in the Russian Foreign Ministry, quoted by the Moscow newspaper "Izvestia".

Earlier on Tuesday, at the initiative of the American side, a telephone conversation was held between Lavrov and Blinken. During the conversation, the parties discussed the results of the last round of the dialogue between the Russian Federation and the United States on strategic security, as well as the meeting of the Russia-NATO Council.

 "In the context of the situation in southeastern Ukraine, the minister called on the secretary of state not to repeat speculations about the alleged impending 'Russian aggression', but to force the Kiev authorities to fully comply with the Minsk agreements," the statement said.

At the same time, during the talks, Lavrov reiterated the highlights of Russia's earlier draft of a bilateral agreement with the United States and agreements with NATO. The documents, as noted in the Russian Foreign Ministry, "fix legal guarantees for Russia's security within the framework of the principle of indivisibility of security, approved by all Euro-Atlantic countries."

 At the same time, Lavrov and Blinken discussed the possibility of continuing contacts in the near future.

Earlier, Lavrov said that the Ukrainian authorities are obliged to comply with the Minsk agreements, they can not have a plan "B". According to him, Ukraine is under US external control. At the same time, the minister drew attention to the fact that Washington is able to force Kiev to comply with the Minsk agreements.

In recent weeks, a number of Western media outlets have reported on alleged plans for Russia's invasion of Ukraine. So, on January 7, The New York Times compiled and published a map of the alleged location of Russian troops on the border with Ukraine.

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