Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Greek authorities accuse Turkey of taking an "increasingly aggressive stance"


 Greek authorities believe that Turkey is taking an increasingly aggressive stance towards its nominal NATO ally, Greece, because of the modernization of its defense capabilities, and they do not believe that tensions will de-escalate soon, the Greek newspaper Kathimerini writes.

One of the ways in which this aggression manifested itself was the Turkish Foreign Ministry's attack last week on Greek President Katerina Sakelaropoulou for calling the massacre of Pontic Greeks in northeastern Turkey in 1914-1918 a "genocide" and for Greece's obligation to keep the memory of this massacre alive.

 "Ensuring peace, security and stability in Southeast Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean is a cornerstone of our national strategy," Sakelaropoulou told Kathimerini in response to attacks on it and Turkish defense minister's claims that Greece is illegally deploying its own armed forces. your islands. .

"We have never abandoned diplomacy (conducted) with the interests of our country and the prosperity of the wider region in mind. We are constantly seeking cooperation with Turkey and striving for harmonious coexistence and friendship between the two peoples. But there can be no retreat before unacceptable claims and aggressive actions, "she added.

 Analysts believe that improving the capabilities of the Greek Air Force with the acquisition of Rafale fighters from France and the upgrade of F-16 aircraft to the Block 70 Viper version, as well as the acquisition by the Navy of Belharra frigates and new corvettes are behind Turkey's anger.

Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar called the moves a provocation, but also a "futile effort and loss of resources", and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told French counterpart Emmanuel Macron that "Greeks do not have the financial means to pay for weapons systems".

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