Monday, January 24, 2022

The working groups for the joint meeting of the governments of RSM and Bulgaria have been formed


 The last preparations are coming to an end before the joint meeting of the governments of the Republic of Macedonia and Bulgaria, which will take place on Tuesday (January 25th) in Sofia. Working groups have been formed on both sides, and their co-chairs have been appointed, the Skopje-based Nezavisen newspaper reported.

 Macedonia and Bulgaria in the forthcoming period and within the new dynamics of cooperation announced by the two Prime Ministers Dimitar Kovachevski and Kiril Petkov, should through the meetings of the working groups to converge positions in several areas, to focus on what is practically feasible in thus paving the way for finding solutions to more difficult issues and finally resolving the dispute and unblocking the start of the first intergovernmental conference of Macedonia and the European Union.

 The two governments formed four working groups. The Government of  Macedonia is forming the groups on Economy, Trade and Innovation, Infrastructure, Transport and Connectivity, European Integration and Green Policies, and Culture, Science and Education.

The co-chairs of the first group on the Macedonian side are Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs, Coordination of Economic Policies and Investments Fatmir Bitici, Finance Minister Fatmir Besimi and Economy Minister Kreshnik Bektesi. On the Bulgarian side, the group will be co-chaired by Deputy Prime Minister of Economy and Industry and Minister of Economy Cornelia Ninova, Deputy Prime Minister for European Funds and Minister of Finance Asen Vassilev and Minister of Innovation and Growth Daniel Lorer.

 The second group on the Macedonian side will be co-chaired by Minister of Transport and Communications Blagoy Bochvarski, Minister of Local Government Goran Milevski and Minister of Information Society and Administration Admirim Aliti, and the Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister for Regional Development and Public Relations and Minister of Regional Development and Public Works. Karadjov, Minister of Transport and Communications Nikolay Sabev and Minister of Energy Alexander Nikolov.  

 The co-chairs of the third working group on the Macedonian side are Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs Bojan Maricic, Deputy Prime Minister for Good Governance Slavica Garkovska and Minister of Environment and Spatial Planning Nasser Nuredini. On the Bulgarian side, the group will be co-chaired by Deputy Prime Minister for Climate Policy and Minister of Environment Borislav Sandov, Deputy Prime Minister for Effective Governance Kalina Konstantinova and Minister of Justice Nadezhda Yordanova.

The fourth working group on the Macedonian side will be co-chaired by First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Political System and Inter-Community Relations Artan Grubi, Minister of Culture Bisera Kostadinovska-Stoychevska and Minister of Education and Science Yeton Shakiri, and on the Bulgarian side by the Minister of Education Science Nikolay Denkov, Minister of Culture Atanas Atanasov, Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov and Minister of Youth and Sports Radostin Vassilev

 The working groups will also include representatives of line ministries and institutions, and the co-chairs will take turns according to the topic that will be included in the agenda of the meetings.

The prime ministers announced five working groups, the fifth is the historic one, but the two governments have not formed a separate working group, and Kovachevski and Petkov told a news conference in Skopje. it will continue to work in its current format.

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