Monday, January 17, 2022

The CSTO considers a new escalation in Kazakhstan impossible


 A new outbreak of violence in Kazakhstan should not be expected. This opinion was expressed by the Secretary General of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) Stanislav Zas in an interview quoted by Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

"The situation is stabilizing. "Literally in recent days there has been a turning point and now we can say that the situation in the whole country is under control by state and law enforcement agencies," said the Secretary General and added. that it is too early to talk about normalizing the situation after the state of emergency, but the country is gradually returning to normal life.

 According to Zass, a new escalation will not happen. "I would not talk about the danger of some kind of revenge or a new outbreak of violence. "I'm pretty sure that's impossible," he said.

As the CSTO Secretary General noted, "the appearance of peacekeepers had a sobering effect" on the radical elements, and during the contingent's presence in Kazakhstan, no clashes were reported with fighters at CSTO-protected sites. The task set in this way - to help the fraternal people of Kazakhstan in ensuring the safety of the people, in ensuring the stability of the country - has been fulfilled.

 Evaluating the results of the operation, Zas stressed that he did not see the need to restructure the organization's activities. "This system, these mechanisms that we created in the CSTO, are really working now - and they are working well," he said.

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