Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Dimitar Kovachevski removes Nikola Dimitrov and Radmila Shekerinska from the government, announced the priorities of Macedonia


 The nominee for Prime Minister, Dimitar Kovachevski, introduced the composition of the new government of the Republic of Northern Macedonia to the Speaker of the local parliament, Talat Xhaferi. He is expected to schedule a meeting of the new prime minister and ministers these days. The new cabinet's priority will be to tackle the energy crisis. Kovachevski told a news conference that the second priority would be to maintain the living standards of citizens and companies and achieve the goals of major infrastructure projects, the Macedonian edition of Deutsche Welle reported.

 The new government lacks the names of ministers Radmila Shekerinska, Nikola Dimitrov, Venko Filipche, Mila Tsarovska, Yagoda Shahpaska and Irena Stefoska.

Oliver Spasovski in the Interior Ministry, Blagoy Bochvarski in the Ministry of Transport and Communications and Fatmir Bitici as Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs will retain their positions in the new government. Former Deputy Prime Minister for Anti-Corruption Ljubco Nikolovski remains in government as agriculture minister, and Bojan Maricic of the justice ministry is stepping down for new duties as deputy prime minister for European integration. The new Minister of Justice will be Nikola Tupanchevski, a professor at the Justinian I Faculty of Law, and Slavyanka Petrovska will be the new Minister of Defense.

Kovachevski says he has decided to keep some of the old ministers because they have shown good performance so far.

 "We have new names, rotations and associations of ministerial posts. Those who have rotated in another department have proven to be effective ministers so far. For the ministers who kept their positions, the analysis showed that there is an increase in the performance in the ministries in which they ruled, it is seen that they have raised the standards in their work and made capital and operational investments at the level of the plan for 2021 ", said Kovachevski.

 Former SDSM MP Slavitsa Garkovska will be deputy prime minister for fighting corruption, and Bisera Kostadinovska-Stoychevska of Bitola has been nominated as the new culture minister. The current Minister of Information Society and Administration, Jeton Shakiri, will be the first person in the Ministry of Education in the future. The government will also receive three Alternative ministers: Bekim Sally will head the health ministry, Admin Aliti has been nominated as the new information society minister, and Jemayl Kupi will be the minister without portfolio in charge of the diaspora.

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