Monday, January 3, 2022

The leaders of the five nuclear powers issued a joint statement



 The leaders of the world's five nuclear powers - Russia, China, Britain, the United States and France - issued a joint statement, the Izvestia newspaper reported, adding that its text had been published on the Kremlin's official website.

"As the use of nuclear weapons would have long-term consequences, we also reaffirm that nuclear weapons - as long as they continue to exist - must serve defensive purposes, deter aggression and prevent war. We believe that the further proliferation of such weapons should be prevented, "the document said.

 In a statement, the parties confirmed that nuclear weapons are not aimed at one country or another. In addition, the Nuclear Club countries have committed themselves, among other things, to preventing the unintentional or unauthorized use of nuclear arsenals. The five countries also declare their commitment to their obligations under the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT).

In particular, the importance of Article VI of the NPT was emphasized “in the spirit of goodwill to negotiate effective measures to end the nuclear arms race in the near future and to support nuclear disarmament, as well as the General and Complete Disarmament Treaty in the field of nuclear disarmament. strict and effective international control '.

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