Saturday, January 8, 2022

There will be no talks with terrorists


 The situation in Kazakhstan has stabilized, but the fighters have not laid down their arms and the anti-terrorist operation continues. This was stated in his address to the people by the President of the Republic Kasim-Jomart Tokayev, quoted by TACC.

Shooting without warning

The Kazakh leader stressed that law enforcement and the military had been ordered to "open fire to eliminate the attackers without warning".

 "The counter-terrorist operation continues. The extremists have not laid down their weapons, they continue to commit crimes or are preparing for them. The fight against them must be completed. Those who do not surrender will be destroyed," he said.

There will be no negotiations

"Abroad, calls are being made to the countries to negotiate a peaceful solution to the problems. What nonsense. What kind of negotiations can there be with criminals, with murderers? We had to deal with armed and trained bandits," Tokayev said.

He noted that these were bandits "both local and foreign". "Therefore, they must be destroyed and this will be done in the near future. The police are ready to fulfill this task," said the Kazakh leader.

Restoration of order

According to the president, the situation in the cities of Almaty and Aktobe, as well as in the Almaty region, is stabilizing. "The imposition of a state of emergency is paying off. Constitutional legality is being restored across the country. But terrorists continue to damage state and private property and use weapons against citizens," he said.

In this regard, Tokayev announced that the state of emergency imposed in Kazakhstan will be gradually lifted in the regions where the situation has returned to normal. In some regions of the country the internet connection will be restored at certain intervals.

Work on mistakes

Tokayev said the "state has overslept" the terrorist attack. "It is extremely important to understand why the state has overslept the underground preparation for terrorist attacks, the sleeping cells of the fighters," the president said. Tokayev stressed that the government will have to make a number of decisions, which it will report on January 11th.

"There is a lot of work to be done to learn from the tragedy we have experienced. Including from a socio-economic point of view. The government will have to make concrete decisions, which I will tell you about on 11 January in the Majilis (lower house). TASS) ", the president said.

Aid and incitement to "terrorists"

"The so-called free media and foreign figures, which are far from the fundamental interests of our multinational people, play a supporting and essentially inciting role in the violations of law and order. It is no exaggeration to say that all these irresponsible demagogues became accomplices. in unleashing the tragedy in Kazakhstan, "Tokayev said.

Thanks to the CSTO

The President of Kazakhstan pointed out that the CSTO forces are needed by his country to "fulfill the function of providing and supporting." He stressed that the peacekeeping contingent had arrived in Kazakhstan "in a short period of time".

The President thanked the CSTO heads of state for sending peacekeeping forces to the republic. Tokayev expressed special gratitude to Russian President Vladimir Putin for the quick and "friendly" response to the request for help.

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