Sunday, January 9, 2022

Tokayev intercepted a conspiracy of law enforcement agencies


 On January 8, the former head of the National Security Committee (KNS), former Prime Minister Karim Massimov, was detained in Kazakhstan on charges of treason, the KNS press service said. The anti-terrorist operation in the republic continues. The situation in a number of cities remains tense. President Kasim-Jomart Tokayev has declared January 10 a Day of National Mourning, the Russian newspaper Nezavisimaya Gazeta reports.

 On Friday, President Tokayev called the protesters terrorists and warned of extremists entering the country. He ordered a "shooting without warning". "It is extremely important to understand why the state has" slept through "the covert preparations for terrorist attacks by the sleeping cells of extremists. Almaty alone has been attacked by 20,000 bandits. Their actions showed a clear plan for attacks on military, administrative and social facilities in almost all areas, good coordination of actions, high combat readiness and brutal cruelty. In addition to extremists, there were specialists trained in ideological sabotage, skilfully using misinformation or "falsifications" and able to manipulate people's moods. " It seems that a single command post was involved in their training and management. The CNS and the General Prosecutor's Office have started to deal with this ... "- said Tokaev.

According to Ermuhamet Ertisbayev, a former adviser to Nursultan Nazarbayev, the KNS has withheld information about training camps set up in Kazakhstan's mountains. "The national betrayal and conspiracy is that the training camps have existed for several years. The KNS, which periodically neutralizes this or that group, was silent about the numerous training camps set up in the mountains, "Ertisbaev said on the Khabar-24 television channel.

Alnur Musaev, a former chairman of Kazakhstan's National Security Committee and former head of Nursultan Nazarbayev's Security Service, convicted in Kazakhstan and fleeing to Austria, told reporters that the KNS has long failed to guarantee national security. -special Nazarbayev family. He said the nephews of Elbasi (leader of the nation) Samat Abish and Kairat Satibaldi are in constant contact with criminal structures. According to him, Nazarbayev did not specifically prepare riots with human casualties, he intended to leave peacefully, but members of his clan used criminal structures for riots. In Almaty, security officials were ordered not to take part in quelling protests and riots. It has been established that this order came from Abish and Satybalda.

 Kazakhstan was already facing a similar situation during inter-ethnic clashes in the Korday region of the Zhambil region of southern Kazakhstan in February 2020. And then security forces were also inactive during the day as blood was shed and houses burned. The KNS was closely involved in the conflict, whose leader Karim Massimov insisted on the introduction of a harsh course and even external control in the country.

These days, in order to stop the pogroms in Almaty carried out by "paramilitary brigades" of Nursultan Nazarbayev's nephews and to prevent the spread of unrest, President Tokayev turned to his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin and the CSTO for help.

 The picture is appalling - the central part of Almaty was ruthlessly set on fire, shops and banks were looted. The main thing is that people died. Several thousand protesters were detained in that city alone. According to law enforcement, the clean-up operation in Almaty continues.

 The head of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Karim Massimov, has been accused of treason. He is in custody and faces up to 15 years in prison. According to expert information, Arkady Dubnov, his first deputy, Nursultan Nazarbayev's nephew Samat Ashib and his brother Kairat Satibaldi, the informal leader of paramilitary radical groups who, among other things, began his career in the KNB, were also arrested. By the way, his fortune is estimated at billions of dollars.

 Information about Samat Abish's arrest was later denied. According to former KNS chief Abish, he continues to hold the post of first deputy of the National Security Committee. Although information about Abish's dismissal was previously published on President Tokayev's official website, according to Kyrgyz General Felix Kulov, Abish's reinstatement has been negotiated between Tokayev and Nazarbayev to allay the latter's suspicions. his nephew's connection with recent events, which was actively discussed in society. In return, Nazarbayev made a statement so that people could unite around Tokayev.

 It has already been said that most of the soldiers' training camps are located in the Chemolgan area near Almaty, Nazarbayev's small homeland. Alexander Knyazev, an expert on Central Asia and the Middle East, believes that Karim Massimov had a ready-made tool for organizing riots. It is noteworthy that in Kazakhstan the religious organization of the Salafists began to actively develop under the patronage of the Nazarbayev clan, the expert said.

 Another prominent person involved, Samat Abish, was not just the first deputy chairman of the KNS, but a confidant of Nursultan Nazarbayev. As Dubnov noted, Abish was taken to Moscow and named one of the president's possible successors. Karim Massimov had to ensure the unimpeded transit of power. But the scenario did not work - Tokayev fired two of Nazarbayev's closest people and the answer "flew in" quickly and unexpectedly: rallies in western Kazakhstan immediately spread to other regions and turned into bloody riots in the south.

 It is noteworthy that on the night of January 8, a car with weapons was detained in the regional center of Korday on the border with Kyrgyzstan, and the attempt of about 80 fighters to break into Kyrgyzstan was suppressed in the Korday Pass.

Nursultan Nazarbayev has not yet expressed his attitude to what is happening. According to some reports, he and his family are in China. However, his spokesman denied this, saying "Elbasi is in Kazakhstan in Nur-Sultan". "Please do not disseminate knowingly false and speculative information. Elbasi is holding a series of consultative meetings and is in direct contact with President Kasim-Jomart Tokayev. He also had several telephone conversations with Kazakhstan-friendly countries. Elbasi calls on everyone to unite around the president in order to overcome the current challenges and guarantee the integrity of our country," Aidos Ukibay tweeted.

Meanwhile, there is a split in Kazakhstani society. Part of the public began to talk about the danger of "occupation" of the country by Russia and possible clashes between Russians and Kazakhs. Others are happy to receive outside help in resolving the conflict.

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