Wednesday, January 12, 2022

I did my best not to let the dialogue with Bulgaria die


 Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia Vlado Buckovski hopes that his commitment over the past 13 months as Bulgaria's special government representative has contributed to relations between the two countries and that this contribution will be important for further dialogue between the new governments in Skopje and Sofia. , which will be driven by new energy and new methodology. In a statement after his release at a government session on Tuesday, he said he had done everything possible to keep the dialogue between Macedonia and Bulgaria alive and to avoid a negative escalation of relations, Skopje-based Nezavisen reported.

 "I was honored to be the government's special representative for relations with Bulgaria over the past 13 months. I was appointed two weeks after the blockade of Bulgaria under extremely difficult circumstances. Mutual trust was violated and hate speech prevailed ... And in such unfavorable circumstances I did my best not to stop the dialogue and not to further negative escalation in relations between the two countries. A friend of mine from Sofia often told me "you are the guardian of the fire here, you do not allow the fire to go out, which fuels the hope that Bulgaria and Macedonia can and will soon be true friends and allies." I hope that with my commitment I have made a contribution that will be important for the recent resumption of dialogue between the two governments and the two new prime ministers, a dialogue that will be conducted with new positive energy and a new negotiation methodology. In the end, I would like to thank Prime Minister Zaev for his trust, Minister Osmani for his successful cooperation and Secretary General of the Zechiri Government for his impeccable logistical support, "Buckovski said in a statement after his release.

 The government also thanked him and announced that the two new prime ministers, Dimitar Kovachevski and Kiril Petkov, would determine the ways and steps to resolve open issues between the two countries.

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