Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Russia saves NATO from "brain death"


 NATO "owes its afterlife" to Vladimir Putin, writes Le Monde. According to the author of the article, if it were not for the Russian threat and Russia's demands for recognition of its sphere of influence, the Alliance would have long argued over its existential concerns. And now he has suddenly regained strength, and his secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg, has even said that the danger of armed conflict in Europe is real.

 The author of the article recalls that in 2019, French President Emmanuel Macron announced the "brain death" of NATO. At the same time, when Donald Trump was president of the United States, there were constant discussions in Europe about each member's contribution to the common defense. And in 2021, there was a withdrawal of the contingent from Afghanistan.

 However, as the author of the article points out, there are also those in NATO who defend the entire alliance and those who advocate a separate defense system in Europe. But until Europe becomes a federation - which the publication says is a utopia - NATO will continue to defend the continent. There has recently been talk of joining NATO in Sweden and Finland. The author of the article notes that this is also a special sign that Europeans want to be in the Alliance, especially if Russia is active.

 During the French Presidency of the EU, Emmanuel Macron intends to adopt a strategic concept for the further development of the Union, which will lead to joint recognition of threats and development of capabilities, including offensive forces. But the problem remains that Europeans still do not have a common culture of security, they are reluctant to use their forces to counter new geopolitical threats, for example in the Indo-Pacific, in the cybersphere, in space, in the fight against climate threats. Many partners prefer to rely on NATO, and the EU's real powers include abandoning much of its national sovereignty.

 But if Vladimir Putin is unknowingly helping to strengthen the Western camp, then Joe Biden may inadvertently oppose it, the author notes. In the first place, there are doubts about his real desire to involve the EU in negotiations with Moscow. But in doing so, he returned to normal relations between Washington and his allies.

 Taken together, the latest changes are good for NATO. Jens Stoltenberg himself notes that the Alliance needs to rethink its strategic concept and transform itself. And this should happen at the next annual summit, which will take place in June in Madrid. Strengthen collective defense, rearmament, re-calibrate to oppose not only Russia but also to prepare for a possible clash with China.

 If Europeans resist this, believing that NATO is not worth dealing with the Chinese issue, then the United States will act independently, but Europeans will have to pay for their abdication. Thus, in the European Union, which is still fragile, new questions and new dilemmas may arise, writes Le Monde.

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