Thursday, January 13, 2022

The President of Romania has announced an increase in the US military presence in the country


 The issue of security will be a priority in Romania's foreign policy in 2022, President Klaus Johannes said at an annual meeting Wednesday with the heads of diplomatic missions accredited in Bucharest. "An important goal remains to strengthen the US military presence in Romania," he was quoted as saying by TASS.

The head of state noted that Romania's international activities will continue to be based on three pillars - "strengthening the country's role and influence in the EU and NATO, respectively, as well as developing and deepening the strategic partnership with the United States." "We need to work more effectively with partners with whom we share similar values, views and goals at the international level, and reduce or even eliminate dependence on actors who take opposing approaches and want to harm our ability to achieve our goals. ", Explained the president of our northern neighbor.

 Johannes expressed concern over the security situation, which he said was caused by "the massive deployment of Russian troops near Ukraine and the consequences for Euro-Atlantic stability". "From our point of view, NATO's dual approach to Russia, which we consistently support, must consist of both firm and credible containment measures and an openness on this basis for dialogue," he said. "This dialogue must be constantly based on the principles, objectives and commitments that form the basis of the Alliance."

 "The concrete de-escalation of the security situation is absolutely necessary," the Romanian president stressed. "Threats of the use of force, as well as doubts about the current parameters of the European security architecture, are unacceptable. We also support the need to continue strengthening the containment and defense position in a consistent and comprehensive manner across the eastern flank, especially in the Black Sea region. "

Johannes also said Romania would continue to "actively support the Republic of Moldova's efforts for European integration and the program of democratic reforms <...> based on the unity of language, history and culture".

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