Tuesday, January 4, 2022

The worst stage of the pandemic is behind us, says a British scientist


 The worst period of the COVID-19 pandemic is behind us, in the future we will have to deal with the consequences of the coronavirus not by introducing quarantine or permanent revaccination, but by caring for the most vulnerable groups. This was stated in an interview with the British newspaper The Telegraph by Professor Andrew Pollard, who is leading the trials of the AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine.

 "The worst is definitely behind us. We have to survive the winter, "said Pollard, who chairs the Joint Vaccination and Immunization Committee of the UK Department of Health. "At some point, society needs to open up. When we open up, there will be a time when there will be a jump in infections, so winter may not be the best time [to remove all outdated restrictions], ”Pollard added, noting that such a decision“ should be accepted by politicians, not scientists. "

 Pollard called it an impossible task to revaccinate the population against coronavirus every six months. "We know that people have high levels of antibodies for several months after the third dose of the vaccine, but we need more data to say when and how often these vulnerable people will need new doses. We can't vaccinate everyone on the planet every 4-6 months. This is irrational and financially impossible. In the future, we need to focus on vulnerable people, "he said.

 At the same time, he noted the importance of combating misinformation that bypasses the topic of vaccinations. "Disinformation poses risks to people's lives. It is very likely that people became seriously ill and died due to misinformation about vaccines. Some misinformation comes deliberately from those who oppose vaccination, while others are the unintentional result of comments from politicians. "We can say that the statements made in Europe have affected the people of Africa," Pollard said.

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