Tuesday, January 11, 2022

EU, NATO leaders offer condolences over David Sassoli's death


 The leaders of the European Union and NATO have expressed condolences over the death of European Parliament President David Sasoli. They posted the relevant messages on their Twitter pages on Tuesday.

"I am deeply saddened by the terrible loss of a great European and a proud Italian. David Sassoli was a passionate journalist, an outstanding President of the European Parliament and, above all, a dear friend. I grieve for his family, "wrote EC President Ursula von der Leyen.

 For his part, European Council President Charles Michel noted that Sassoli would be absent from the EU. "I am saddened and moved by the news of the death of the President of the European Parliament. He was a sincere and passionate European, we no longer miss his human warmth, generosity, friendliness and smile. Our sincere condolences to the family and friends, "the European Council President wrote.

 They were joined by Josep Borrell, the European Union's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. "David Sassoli's death is a great pain. "We have lost not only a valuable politician, but above all a friend and a person who has dedicated his life to serving others, first in journalism and then as President of the European Parliament," Borel said.

 NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg also expressed his condolences. "I am saddened by the news of David Sassoli's death, a strong voice for democracy and NATO-EU cooperation. My deepest condolences to his family, to the European Parliament and to the whole EU family, "Stoltenberg wrote.

French Foreign Minister Clement Bonn also expressed his condolences.

"I am deeply saddened by the death of European Parliament President David Sasoli. A fighter for Europe, a sincere and courageous defender of democracy and the values ​​of our union, "he wrote on Twitter.

 Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi has expressed condolences over the death of European Parliament President David Sasolli, calling it a "symbol of modesty and generosity".

"Sassoli was a symbol of balance, modesty and generosity. These qualities have always been recognized by all his colleagues representing all political positions and all European countries, as proof of his exceptional civic passion, ability to listen and constant commitment to serve the citizens, "said Draghi in his address. press service. "His untimely and sudden death is shocking. The government and I personally express our condolences to his wife, Alessandra Vitorini, his children, Livia and Giulio, and to all his relatives. "

Italian President Sergio Matarella also expressed condolences over Sasolli's death. "His death opens a void in the ranks of those who believed in and built a peaceful Europe in the service of its citizens and causes deep sorrow to the Italian and European people," Matarella said in a statement issued by the Quirinal Palace press service.

 Many Italian political and public figures also expressed their condolences, including the heads of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Health of the Republic.

David Sasoli died on Tuesday at the age of 65 in Italy. On Monday, Sasoli was hospitalized in Italy due to severe complications related to immune system dysfunction. As specified by ANSA, all planned events with the participation of the head of the EP have been canceled.

 In December, the 65-year-old Sassoli, a former journalist and activist with the Italian Democratic Party, announced that he would not run for re-election as president, so that, as he explained, "the European majority would not split". His term expired in January.


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